September Horoscopes
Capricorn: Work and Relationship momentum
Good news Capricorn. You can anticipate financial benefits so keep smiling. However, you may encounter some turbulence in the realm of personal relationships. It is important not to take these challenges too personally, as different weeks of the month can bring varying conditions. There will be desirable outcomes but only by taking some risks or having the courage to acknowledge the reality of a situation. It may not be easy, but overall, the first month of autumn is a favorable time for resolving conflicts within the family. Opportunities for improvement exist, so it is important to embrace them without doubt.
In terms of your work, you have the potential to reach significant heights without making obvious sacrifices. However, for those who work for themselves, it is crucial to remember that the end goal does not always justify any means. Think twice about ethics.The New Moon in Virgo at the first of the month (the 2nd) showcases your solar 9th house of travel. Pull out that bucket list or at least your calendar to plot it out. The September 17th Lunar eclipse could have you thinking back fondly on happy times and memories. Plot out how you can create more. Your solar 5th house of children, romance and vacations is where Uranus (chaos) goes retrograde in Taurus on September 1st. Keep an eye on safety of kids and especially on the 22nd when Uranus conjoins the Moon. Take this month to approach desires with caution, considering their alignment with long-term goals and values. By navigating this month with thoughtfulness and integrity, you can overcome challenges and seize opportunities for growth.
Aquarius: Lots of momentum in career advancement.
Here goes another planet retrograde. Uranus in Taurus and your solar 4th house stations to move September 1st and will be on this erratic path until January 2025! Those of you with late Aquarius birthdays will most feel this. Watch for sudden shifts in activity for certain household members. Retrograde Neptune in your 2nd house conjunct the Lunar eclipse and also in the company of retrograde Saturn in Pisces cautions you to be extremely careful engaging in financial transactions to protect your assets. This is a good month to cross your t’s and dot your I’s. You may find yourself needing to exert effort to avoid difficult situations. However, the potential reward for these efforts is truly epic. There is a possibility of significantly increasing the profitability of your business ventures if you run your own company . For those Aquarians who do not work for themselves, there may be an opportunity to obtain a new position or advance in your current career. In matters of the heart, you are advised against hesitating to explore alternative possibilities. Circumstances and dynamics within relationships may undergo significant changes over time. This is also a reminder to not overlook the reliability and loyalty of old friends, as they tend to prove steadfast in most cases. By navigating this month with determination and flexibility, you can overcome obstacles and achieve significant progress in both your professional and personal life.
Pisces: Navigating new momentum
September may find you drained of energy at times as the Sun is in Virgo most of the month. You may have the urge to recharge anyway. Maybe a get away? This month presents a mixed bag for Pisces. It will likely bring about favorable financial outcomes. However, it might simultaneously usher in some tumultuous moments in personal relationships. It is advised not to take these challenges too personally, as the different weeks of the month may yield different conditions and outcomes. The New Moon on Labor Day the 2nd is also win Virgo and your 7th house of close relationships and this also highlights an enjoyable phase for Pisces. On the work front, whether you work for yourself or for someone else, you have the potential to achieve considerable heights without having to make significant sacrifices. Nevertheless, one important point to remember, especially for you that are self-employed, is that the end does not always justify the means. If you are eyeing grand goals at the end of your journey, it's essential to ensure that the journey towards these goals aligns with your values and principles. Uranus goes retrograde on September 1st. The Planet of chaos and disruptions could throw in delays for many. Double check all detail. The final Lunar eclipse of the year occurs on September 17th in Pisces and your first house. One point of caution for you revolves around desires. This aspect may prove to be a stumbling block if not managed judiciously. Pursuing desires should be balanced with due consideration for one's values and long-term goals. Get ready to feel energized. Make the most of this awesome month.
Aries: Stay on your toes
In September you will be continuing your active social life with Venus in party loving Libra in aspect to Jupiter in Gemini. Don’t turn down invites and mark the 15th for a great get together day. The second Lunar eclipse of the year occurs in Pisces and your 12th house on the 17th. Take this day to kick back and regroup. The New Moon on Labor Day, September 2nd is in Virgo and your 6th house reminding you to double check all structural or electrical issues at home or work. On top of fun there could be challenging circumstances pop up.. However, the outcome of these struggles will hold great significance, not only for yourself but also for your loved ones and friends. It is important to note that despite the potential for making mistakes and experiencing setbacks, the long term result is not horrific and could actually guide you to a great place to be. Be sure to adapt to situations that may not unfold as desired. It is crucial to maintain confidence and purpose in pursuing positions or goals that hold personal importance. In this regard, don’t worry about the opinions of others, especially if they drain your energy. Focus on your own instincts and trust your ability to make decisions. Uranus, the planet of the unexpected goes retrograde in Taurus and your 2nd house of money. Long distance travel is likely to see challenges so double check details. Be cautious of your words on the 27th, miscommunication is ripe. For sure this is not going to be a boring month so strap in, hold in and know the month will turn out fine.
Taurus: Time for something new.
September holds both challenges and valuable outcomes for Taurus individuals. It's important to recognize that certain things that may not currently satisfy you could actually prove to be advantageous during this period of your life, rather than a disadvantage. This presents an opportunity to embrace new projects and set ambitious goals. Utilizing your abilities to their fullest extent should not be a cause for hesitation, as it will not offend anyone. While work-related matters may not hold significant importance during this time, the arena of personal relationships will offer ample opportunities to realize incredible ideas. It’s been a busy year and things won’t be slowing down. Uranus goes retrograde in Taurus on the 1st and puts you on alert to compare prices whether for home improvements or travel. In terms of starting new projects, this month is a favorable time for you to embark on fresh ventures. Aim high and trust in your abilities to achieve success. On September 17th the final Lunar eclipse of the year falls in Pisces and your solar 11th house of friends and affiliates. This has been one of your most active houses of the year. It’s brought attention to personal and professional goals, memberships, agreements and revenue for new enterprises. On the 27th the Moon in Leo has a hard aspect to Venus and could put an emotional chill on household harmony. Watch your words carefully. This is a time to tap into your abilities and create something extraordinary without fearing judgment or the opinions of others. Embrace your own vision and let it drive your actions.
Gemini: A month of gratitude and memories
The New Moon in Virgo on September 2nd is in your solar 4th house of home and family. Big reminder to feel gratitude and treasure important memories of people in your life. Uranus goes retrograde on the 1st. This period presents an ideal opportunity to focus on personal relationships. Urges to impart life wisdom to others might be strong within Geminis, but they should exercise restraint, especially if their own affairs are not proceeding as well as desired. Instead, the focus should be on introspection and nurturing one's own personal relationships before rushing to counsel others. You will find yourself at a crossroads where you may be incredibly fortunate or encounter misfortune, depending on the foundation you’ve laid before implementing new plans. A critical aspect during this period is patience. It is advised to step back and watch events unfold. Significant changes are expected that could render previous problems irrelevant, saving resources that would have otherwise been spent discussing non-existent issues. Matters of the heart will hold equal importance during this time. Recognizing the significance of personal relationships will be a fairly immediate realization for you. It is important to remember that while the urge to make everyone happy around you is commendable, it might not always be feasible or in one's best interest. Even acts of altruism need to find their proper place and should be measured and balanced. The final Lunar eclipse of the year occurs on the 17th in Pisces. It’s in your solar 10th house of career and ambition, calling attention to important changes and work responsibilities. Another good money cycle comes your way this month. It’s your work ethics and energy that may see you receiving awards.
Cancer: A calm month
In September your money and social life look good. You will have lots of energy thanks to Mars and Jupiter in Gemini working to help you balance your schedule to include invitations for favorite venues. Get out and be social. The Leo New Moon on the 4th promises a positive shopping outcome with your partner to price materials and supplies for a home project. Pull out your artistic visions. Then enjoy some romance with lunar aspects between Venus and the moon on the 11th. Mercury turns retrograde in Virgo on the 5th then moves back into Leo on the 14th and turns direct on the 28th. Take this whole month to slow down, work on family harmony and be grateful for the love around you. You will find solace in the frequent struggle you have had to face against the world. Especially if you operate their own business you could relish a consistent and relatively successful period. If you have been working for someone else, this month you will see significant progress. This month both love life, home and career appear to be moving along fine. Maintain balance, be realistic about capabilities, and setting achievable goals. Enjoy this calming month.
Leo: Stream lining your life
Leo: Stream lining your life
Wow! Your solar 8th house is busy this month! The final Lunar eclipse of the year in Pisces is September 17th. As well as Saturn in Pisces has you rearranging finances, paying down debt and creating savings (hopefully). Saturn is contending with late degree Neptune in Pisces tempting you with attractive investment options. And now Uranus turns retrograde on September 1st in Taurus and your 10th house of career! Expect Sudden shifts in direction and there will be alerts for you to stay flexible to networking parts of a current projects. If you own your own business, Streamlining can offer greater clarity and more efficient operations. Careful analysis and strategic decision-making will guide you towards success. On the other hand, if you do not own a business, it is crucial to seize every opportunity that comes your way. The month of September is ripe with potential, and it would be unwise to overlook any opening. In your personal life you have the opportunity to achieve the desired state in your relationships. However, the ultimate decision rests with you. If you are married or in a committed partnership you will enjoy the advantages of stability and a clear vision for future developments. Single individuals, as expected, will have more freedom, but it is important to note that this also comes with additional responsibilities. Take the month to set down some framework for the months ahead. Now more daydreaming. Action is the name of the game for August.
Virgo: Focus on calm waters
With the New Moon in Virgo on Labor Day, September 2nd is a good day to focus on your house or apartment. How about a remodel or on a smaller degree a new Vase of flowers. The final lunar eclipse of the year occurs on the 17th in Pisces and your solar 7th house of personal and business partners and focus on the quality and continuity of important relationships. Pay attention to changes in attitude. Uranus in Taurus goes retrograde on September 1st affecting Labor Day plans for many. There could be tension in many circles. Be cautions in personal disagreements or arguing about politics with edgy vibes around. Turn around, go for a walk and chill out. While may seem to be going smoothly this month, it is important to consider external opportunities and not limit yourself. Especially if you have their own businesses. Avoid being narrow-minded and instead embrace a broad perspective, thinking as widely and far-reaching as possible. Do not let your own achievements hinder your vision. It is crucial to consider alternatives and additional possibilities, even when others may not be doing so. If you are married, conflicts concerning close family members or friends may arise. While these difficulties may present challenges, being honest, primarily with yourself, will be key to addressing and managing these situations effectively. Don't hesitate to seek help from those around you, as their objective opinions can often shed light on situations that might be challenging to navigate alone. Go find those smooth winds to put at our back and sail into a fabulous fall season.
Libra: Everything is on the upswing.
The first half of September has you spending time with family or communicating with them. Uranus the Planet of chaos goes retrograde on the 1st in Taurus and your 8th house of joint income. Pullout the calculator and shore up your finances!
Venus in Libra, your socially oriented sign forms a positive aspect to transiting Jupiter in Gemini allowing you to expand your network. The second lunar eclipse of the year occurs on September 17th in Pisces and your 6th house of work. Get ready to be in demand. From the 15th to the end of the month you’ll be collaborating on priorities, deadlines and problem solving. Use the New Moon on the 2nd in our 12th house to kick back and reflect. This month you may be experiencing a certain level of recklessness that may co-exist with fortune. Even critical mistakes could be forgiven and corrected. It's not an invitation to make deliberate mistakes but rather a chance to boldly experiment and venture outside of your comfort zone, even if it means sometimes dismissing certain factors that would normally command your attention. Your work becomes a gateway to unique experiences that can contribute to numerous victories in the future. It is essential to navigate this period with actions and decisions that could make your loved ones proud. Such an approach is not just rewarding but also positively influences your personal relationships. This month emanates an extremely positive and dynamic aura.
Scorpio: the Scorpion: Intensity.
Scorpio : Getting down to business
Your Solar 5th house of children and love is one to the busiest areas in your chart this whole year. Now the final Lunar eclipse of 2024 joins transiting Saturn and Neptune in Pisces here on Sept 17th brining attention to your relationships with Lovers, children and matters related to this complex house. This is a great month to focus on your house. Repairs? Uranus goes retrograde on the 1st in Taurus and your solar seventh house and may delay your plans for starting a business partnership adventure. Don’t sign contacts on September 17th when the Lunar eclipse in Pisces opposes Mercury. Don’t take critical remarks personal.
On the other hand, if you own your own business, you’ll have the reins firmly in your own hands. Set the rules and guide your organization's direction. However, you must also ensure not to become overly personally involved in pivotal decision-making, as doing so risks overlooking potential opportunities. This need for consideration extends to others, and you should be cautious to avoid disappointing them. There may be circumstances where you find it wise to compromise your own principles to uphold your position and status. But this could be to your advantage in the future. Over all this month will be providing opportunities for growth and development, particularly in the work context. The key to making the most of this month lies in balancing assertiveness with patience, carefully choosing battles, whether in the workplace or personal relationships, and being willing to compromise when the situation calls for it.
On the other hand, if you own your own business, you’ll have the reins firmly in your own hands. Set the rules and guide your organization's direction. However, you must also ensure not to become overly personally involved in pivotal decision-making, as doing so risks overlooking potential opportunities. This need for consideration extends to others, and you should be cautious to avoid disappointing them. There may be circumstances where you find it wise to compromise your own principles to uphold your position and status. But this could be to your advantage in the future. Over all this month will be providing opportunities for growth and development, particularly in the work context. The key to making the most of this month lies in balancing assertiveness with patience, carefully choosing battles, whether in the workplace or personal relationships, and being willing to compromise when the situation calls for it.
Sagittarius: Lots of juggling
The New moon in Virgo on September 2nd is appropriately in your 10th house of career and organizational environment. It will remind you of how grateful you are to be appreciated for your commitments and dedication to work you enjoy. The final Lunar eclipse of the year occurs in Pisces and your Solar 4th house of home and family on September 17th. Pay attention to the dynamics you share with others in your home. There could be challenges for you this month, but maneuvering through them is unlikely to pose a significant problem. In the realm of work, if you own your own business you can anticipate a steady increase in profits. It is important to act promptly, but without unnecessary haste. While new opportunities may arise, it is crucial to remain focused on your main direction and not be swayed by less substantial ventures. Practicing attentiveness and delegating tasks whenever possible will be key to maintaining a steady course. If you work for someone else, simply focus on fulfilling your job responsibilities without expecting immediate rewards or recognition. This is an opportunity to work on personal growth independently, and if such opportunities do not currently exist within your current job, it is essential to remind yourself that you have consciously chosen this path. Stay committed to personal development, seeking out relevant resources and opportunities outside of the workplace if necessary. In personal relationships It's important to be adaptable and open to the changes happening in the surrounding world. It is possible that things may not go according to plan, but in difficult situations, it will be invaluable to lean on the support of your loved ones, who can help you find emotional balance and stability. Approaching this month with resilience and flexibility, then you can navigate through any hurdles and gain personal growth and emotional stability along the way.
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