June Horoscopes
Capricorn: Pluto: Moving into your 2nd house. Money lessons.
Pluto entered Capricorn and your Solar 1st house back in 2008. Have you noticed anything different occurring in your life? Any Planet in your 1st house for such a long time brings about a subtle awareness of the need to clear the air of feelings not expressed. Pent up anger, physical disorders that affect health and toxic people that you’v avoided addressing about them dumping their problems on you instead of taking responsibilities for solving them? Have Relationships deepened or come to any end? Pluto is in the last degrees of Capricorn this year and those Capricorns that were born during the last few days of your sign are likely to undergo major changes. Pluto, the Transformer Planet aids in remodeling your body through diet, exercise and a healthier lifestyle. Let’s hope Pluto has helped you form good habits to replace the bad ones you’ve accumulated over the years. Pluto entered Aquarius in May and now in June has turned retrograde back into Capricorn until October 11th. Then the karma cleaning planet has analytical Aquarius housing it for some time after November 20th. In June there is a heavy emphasis on Planets in Gemini and your 6th house. Expect to fall in love. It could be with your career and current assignment. The New Moon in Gemini on the 6th falls here too. Promotions, new job, all in the wind. You’ll be pleased with your check book and optimism will be feeing up. You are a master at steadily and purposefully climbing your mountains you have focused on; each step is a testament to your determination. As a goal-oriented cardinal sign, you must stop back and appreciate the view. The universe gently nudges you to slow your pace this month. Pause. Reflect. Enjoy. The Gemini sun lightens the overall tone until June 21, especially on June 6th, when the full moon invites you to see a bigger picture. Aim for inner peace by maintaining a broad perspective. Invite laughter as a healing modality. Your ruling planet, Saturn, stations retrograde on June 29. For the next few months, Saturn's influence supports you in finishing projects or revisiting a dream. Life gives us second and third chances, often during retrograde cycles.Jupiter, in steadfast Taurus, grants you luck this year. What will you create with that powerful yes from the universe? Dream big, but know most creations start in the dark, slowly and progress at their pace. Honor the process. The new moon on June 17 sets the stage for work commitments and pursuing goals. At the end of the month, you might put career pursuits on a brief pause and cultivate your relationships. Love abounds at the end of the month.If it’s messy or complicated remember love is always where its at..
Aquarius: Pluto: Forge ahead now with your dreamed Future!
Since 2008 Pluto has been blowing hot breath down your neck. He’s been in Capricorn and your 12th house of healing and secrets. Have there been many times you’ve felt you’ve been hiding away? You’ve been dodging the fallout that holding on to excess baggage creates when you don’t shed it? 2024 has you realizing that now is the time for that change since Pluto moved into Aquarius January 2024 putting down his roots in your 1st house until 2043. You’ll be realizing what it’s like to release stuck parts of your psyche that held you back. Now you can use your skills and figure out what or who stands in your way of freedom. You’ll be (or are you?) Paying more attention to your health, motivative ideas and passion for life. Pluto does go retrograde May 2nd but then turns direct October 11th. As the year progresses you’ll have greater insight. Focus on goals and inner places you’d like to liberate. Never let the fear of failure stop you from trying. Failure is not the opposite of success but a part of it. It's through the trials and errors that we learn and grow. In June with Jupiter’s recent entry into Gemini and your 5th house it’s time for celebration. 12 years since Jupiter has been here. This prosperity Planet shines brightly on Children, loved ones, innovative entrepreneurs, teachers or traveling. Jupiter is supported by Mercury, Venus and the June 6th New Moon. June 1-8th should be ideal for a vacation. Venus enters Leo on June 5 and offers a nice balance between stillness and activity. Redefine health as the alignment of body, mind, and spirit. Start with your physical health, and make it a priority. The sun enters Cancer on June 21, helping with that health commitment. What small changes can you make to support your well-being?
Romance is in the air. Just know it will be memorable even if it’s a day in the country. Saturn turns retrograde on June 29th in your solar 2nd house of earned income and assets. This is a time of financial caution. Avoid impulsive spending. It's a good time to set a budget or financial plan. An unexpected gain might come around June 19. Dream big. Summer is here! Go enjoy!
Pisces: Pluto: Keep that Soul searching going!
You may not be aware of the countdown that has been occurring. Pluto heads for the exit gate after occupying your Solar 11th house of friendships, groups and goals since January 2008. You’ve been forced to change your goals, eliminate friendships from your circle and give up long-held relationships with Clubs. Pluto has been prodding. Now you’ll be moving into another dimension of your awareness. You could be networking with new affiliates to find the perfect job-possibly to help Society. Bravo to you for not sitting back but taking on change. Pluto entered Aquarius and your Solar 12 house of seclusion. There could be more soul-searching ahead. He did turn retrograde on May 2nd back into Capricorn but moves ahead Nov 19th and back into Aquarius for years ahead. Now you’ll look forward at your dreams, health, relationships, secrets and desire for renewal. Congratulations on embracing new directions. In June your home base is the main focus of activity all month.
Jupiter in Gemini transits your Solar 4th house of home. You’ll be focused on improvements and decorating. The New Moon in Gemini on the 6th is hand in hand with Jupiter. Great day to hang with friends or meet new ones. On June 11, Pluto backslides into Capricorn, and its influence inspires a sense of urgency unlike you've experienced. We will watch old power structures collapse, and new ones be born. As it transits across the Capricorn/Aquarius cusp, it informs you to distinguish between your preferences and others'. Mercury enters Gemini also on the 11th, bringing up questions about home and family, making it a time when you could sign a lease or house-related contract. You could dig up family archives or return to your hometown for a sweet reunion. Saturn in Pisces goes retrograde in your 1st house on June 29th. Look forward to a break with Mercury and Venus in Cancer and in your 5th house. This will bring a light and romantic feel. Those who believe in the beauty of their dreams can and do shape the world. The greatest inventions, masterpieces, and feats started as dreams. This month, be the dreamer that you are and let your creativity flow freely. Don't fear the depths—your sign is meant to swim, explore, and create ripples that reach far and wide. Saturn in your sign helps ground those ideas into a tangible form, but it takes the right action steps. As the Sun enters Cancer on June 21, you're ready to change the rhythm of your daily life to allow for more creative time and space. Let your imagination run wild. Whether through writing, painting, music, or any other form of creative expression, channel your emotions and thoughts into something remarkably yours. Beautiful Month for Pisces!
Aries: Pluto: Putting friendship at the Foremost.
In the sign of Capricorn Pluto has been journeying, knocking on your door to loosen resistance to inner change. This year you’ll get a brief glimpse of what is to come as Pluto wraps up his transit and moves into Aquarius until 2043. On January 20th he moved into Aquarius a sign of mutual interests and points you toward recognizing your need for togetherness and companionship. If born March 19th-22nd you’ll most feel this energy. Pluto is here for a short time and in your 11th house and then he retreats back into Capricorn. May 2nd until October 11th is the transit. Double check what needs righting, what needs eliminating so you can approach life with new excitement as he settles into the sign of Aquarius the rebel, “marching to his own drum beat” sign. In June the New Moon on the 6th in Gemini and your 3rd house has you dealing with community affairs and finalizing contract negotiations, and local travel. Compatible Mercury, Venus and Jupiter in Gemini lift your higher spirit. You've always been one for blazing trails and conquering new territories, and this month is no different. The Sagittarius full moon on June 3 drives you toward daring ventures and exciting endeavors. Accept invitations, be spontaneous, and break a habit to change the routine. Saturn turns retrograde on the 29th in Pisces and your 12th house. Rethink goals and take care of a health matter. The Gemini sun is beaming on your sign until June 21. Gemini is the sign of intellectual curiosity, so expect a mix of intrigue, adventure, and introspection. Mars, your ruling planet, moves through Leo, igniting your passionate, fiery spirit. Both relationship planets (Venus and Mars) are in a fire sign most of the month. Love is among the month's highlights for even the most individualistic Aries. The Gemini Sun highlights communication. Together, these influences signal a time to express your feelings, declare your love, and say yes to love in all its forms. If you're single, start by looking in the mirror and work on cultivating compassion for all the past versions of yourself. Neptune begins its retrograde journey on June 30 in the most mystical sector of your chart. It's a gentle nudge from the universe to turn inward. Listen to your intuition and pay attention to your dreams during this phase; they could be a powerful source of guidance. Hold on to it and release any fear. Lots of great energy coming your way!
Taurus: Pluto: Holding friendships close.
Way back in January 2008, Pluto took up residence in Capricorn and your 9th house of education, higher mind, foreign lands and cultures, publishing, religion and travel. In January Pluto moved on into Aquarius and your 10th house. It did go retrograde May 2nd back into Capricorn for a little more cleaning up and baggage eliminating. Now is the time, you stubborn Taurus to let go of blocks that remain. Take this year with Pluto in both Capricorn and Aquarius to let go of the secrets, guilt and simmering angst. Embrace that Aquarius Rebel and all the changes it offers. Breath out and sigh and feel some freedom from constructing thoughts that keep you in a box. Embrace open mindedness. After Oct 11th Pluto will forge new areas to apply its karma cleaning for many years. In June, there is a nice line up of Gemini Planets. Mercury, Venus and Jupiter plus the new Moon on June 6th. This energy feels hospitable, friendly and energetic. Get out doors! The sun shines in Gemini, helping you prioritize your values and realize your worth. Expect random acts of kindness as helpful people appear to be teachers and messengers of these lessons. Receive. Jupiter’s recent entry into your solar 2nd house of money adds a cash source to your purchasing power-cool! This month does however call for financial prudence. While you may see some growth, avoid making hasty decisions, especially concerning investments. However, keep a balanced approach. Saturn in Pisces turns retrograde on June 29th in your solar 11th house of friendships. Keep an eye out for friends from the past. The month starts on the heels of a challenging aspect pattern between Pluto, Jupiter, and Mars. You may feel pulled in multiple directions by different obligations. We can't make everyone happy, but we can align with our own goodness, kindness, and empathy. Then, it's possible to speak and act with grace. The Sagittarius full moon is a time of truth-telling. Have a conversation about anything weighing heavy on your heart. Neptune begins its retrograde in your house of philosophy and long-distance travel on June 29. This transit nudges you to reassess how your belief systems, personal growth, and long-term goals align with your values and aspirations. "I am open to the abundance of the universe.” Should be the mantra this month. The Universe will steer you in the right direction.
Gemini: Pluto: Karma cleaning past regrets.
Can you remember back to January 2008? Little Pluto entered Capricorn and your 8th house. Have you had talks with yourself about your financial security and sex appeal? Pluto in this house relates to births, deaths, physical chemistry, estates, joint money and debts and matters that rest in your subconscious. That’s a long time to be coping with unwanted fears, anxiety and doubt about your strengths and willpower. Over the years you’ve probably zeroed in on the reasons for the tensions that have surfaced as power struggles and you are now ready to leave the unwanted baggage behind. The stress from debt and rejections from Someone may have been overwhelming. But you’ve made inroads in contacting the karma cleaners to come in. Does your heart feel lighter? In January Pluto moved on out of rigid Capricorn and shifted into humanitarian Aquarius and your solar ninth house of foreign countries and culture, higher mind, philosophy, writing and travel. Change is in the air, and we all sense it. Breathe easy; you are ahead of the curve. You've been on a cathartic journey of spiritual growth, which started in 2008 and has intensified in the last three years. Though the ground beneath you may still seem unsteady, keep the faith. Jupiter in Taurus helps stabilize your life. Pluto does retrograde back into Capricorn May 2nd to October 11th. This year give yourself the gift of release, any lingering emotions about financial guilt that you have carried around. Embrace and envision life without the old problems. Embrace the Joy that 2024 offers. In June with Planets transiting your 1st house, romance is in the air when the New Moon in Gemini on the 6th aligns with Jupiter in Gemini and Pluto in Aquarius and the good company of Venus in Gemini. T Mercury enters your sign on the 3rd and staying close to home is advisable. The Capricorn Full Moon on the 21st opposes the Sun, Mercury and Venus. If single you may feel a damper or let down. Saturn in Pisces moves into retrograde on the 29th. Delays may occur for July travel. Double check all details. You're in a period of fertility and growth. It's the perfect time for planting seeds, both literally and metaphorically. Whether it's initiating a new project, fostering a relationship, or nurturing personal growth, the conditions are optimal. It's your season. Align yourself with this abundant energy and make the most of it.
Cancer: Pluto: examining conflicts.
Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008. In your 7th house of personal and Business Partners. During these years the slow moving Planet has reminded you of the benefits and short comings of your relationships. It has helped open and create paths to communicate feelings and express love. Your sensitive Cancer heart may have suffered repression, dealt with emotional angst and conceded with illness. It’s time to let go of the baggage, including toxic people in your life if long standing problems still exist. Exam conflicts in Business relationships. Hopefully the movement of Pluto which happened in January into Aquarius is having you look back and feel relieved. Now Pluto is in your 8th house until 2043. Pluto does go retrograde to do one last sweep in relationships May 2 to October 11th. Know that there is more inner peace ahead and your soul will be warmed. In June you’ll be feeling some wanderlust. Pack a bag or do some planning. The New Moon on the 6th. however will want you to set aside some down time since it’s in your 12th house. There is Harmony on the 1st of the month with the help of Mercury, Venus and Jupiter in Gemini. If there is a romantic involvement or growing affection with someone just know that you will find your professional duties and responsibilities unaffected. You exhibit clarity of thought, openly express yourself, and display an impressive level of initiative that will not go unnoticed by management. Despite any personal turmoil and passionate entanglements, Cancer individuals will remain focused and dedicated to their work, separating their professional lives from their personal ones. As the month progresses, you will be able to look back on the events of June with a sense of contentment. You’ll gain a deeper understanding of the importance of your previous choices and recognize the growth you have undergone since then. This experience will enable you to appreciate the present moment. You will reflect on the events of June contentedly, appreciating the growth and understanding you have gained along the way. Saturn turns retrograde on the 29th in Pisces and your 9th house of long-distance travel. Double check your schedules if a trip is pending. Summer is in the air and you attention is outdoors. Go there!
Leo: Pluto: Building and unwinding Partnerships
You’ll be spending a lot of time in reflection this year. Since 2008 when Pluto entered Capricorn and your Soar 6th house
of daily living and working Partners. You started paying attention to your health and nutritions. What you made and how you prepared it. Also your interactions between co-workers and colleagues. This past January 20th Pluto entered into Aquarius and your 7th house of partnerships. It did turn retrograde May 2nd back into strict Capricorn on Sept 1st until October 11th. Pluto will remain in Aquarius and your house of Partners for good until 2043. Be assessing the quality of your personal and professional Partnerships. What has manifested in recent month that troubles you or leaves you searching for answers? Anger issues? Because of you or someone else? Plutos transit pushes these concerns into the spotlight reminding you to clear the air. In June there is an engaging lineup of compatible Gemini Planets in the first half of the month including Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and the June 6th New Moon. Lots of compassion in the air! Jupiter’s recent entry into Gemini and your 11th house highlights important personal goals. Saturn in Pisces turns retrograde on June 29th in our 8th house and tells you to beware of any purchases. In June 2024, individuals born under the Leo sign can expect to face certain difficulties and challenges. It might feel as if you are caught in a Shakespearean comedy of errors. This unusual rollercoaster of events will resemble a vintage wine that initially delights, intensifying your heartbeat and excitement, but ultimately leading to a hangover so severe that they may question whether it would have been better to avoid it altogether.
One notable aspect of June for Leos will be the return of people from your past, specifically those with whom you once shared good times. Surprisingly, despite the years of separation, that feeling of connection remains intact. The reemergence of old friends will bring a mix of joy and the potential for romantic complications. While their financial earnings will be satisfactory, it is essential for you to approach your finances with care. Although the month may feel turbulent and confusing at times, you possess the capacity to weather these challenges with your characteristic grace and generosity. You will emerge stronger and wiser, ready to face the next chapter of your life with renewed clarity and enthusiasm. Great beginning of a fabulous Summer.
Virgo: Pluto: Shoring up your Health and routines.
You were probably glad about the recent movement of Pluto. It’s been In Capricorn and your 5th house since 2008. He’s spent time fanning the flames of challenges with Children, competitive events and your Social and romantic life. Now you should be experiencing satisfying freedom from pain concerning many of these areas. Pluto moved on January 20th and entered Aquarius and your solar 6th house of daily routines and schedules, health and nutrition. Also Pets and those you interact with in the work place. You are service oriented and Pluto will over the next years remind you that you don’t have to tolerate unresolved issues connected to your mental and physical body and workplace relationships. Balance will be important now. Pluto does go retrograde one May 2nd and It goes direct on November 19th. If born between Aug 23rd and 26th you will experience some stressful shifts. After November you’ll be experiencing some probing of the subconscious. In June with Jupiter in Gemini transiting your 10th house, career matters are the focus of activity especially when the new Moon in Gemini on the 6th aligns with Jupiter in Gemini and Pluto in Aquarius. Venus joins as well as the Sun. This opens doors to experiencing positive money and career advancements. Vacation and Business travel are highlighted. Saturn in Pisces goes retrograde on June 29th in aspect to transiting Mercury and Venus in Cancer giving a little slack to unfolding events later in the year. Neptune helps, too giving you psychic nudges. The Capricorn Full Moon on the 21st opposes the Sun, Mercury and Venus and may see your plans for the day scrambled. June is set to be an exciting and active month. You will witness a surge in physical activity, with opportunities for noteworthy achievements in dance competitions, sports, and outdoor adventures.
As the beginning of summer unfolds, Virgos will find themselves more active and assertive than ever before. You will exude a newfound confidence and decisiveness that can positively influence various aspects of their lives. For those with travel plans, June will be a delightful experience. Go embark on enjoyable journeys that will enrich your life with new friendships and unexpected connections. Navigate June with confidence and welcome the positive changes and experiences that lie ahead.
Libra: Pluto: All about People and interactions.
Pluto made his debut in Capricorn and your solar 4th house of home, family and foundations back in 2008. Now most of the energy work has been accomplished leading you on to higher ground if you have used this Planets karmic cleanse. There have been clashes since Libra and Capricorn have a testy relationship at times. How do you feel now? Emptier? Quieter? Finished being drained by needy family members? Do you feel less cluttered because you no longer store excess baggage related to guilt? Now breath that refreshing air and realize how courageous you have become saying no to intolerable conditions. This past January 20th Pluto entered Aquarius and your solar 5th house. Now a whole new set of dynamics is happening in regards to the art of releasing karma will take place. There will be new World relationships involving children, Lovers, friends, fellow entrepreneurs, individuals you coach and travel companions. Pluto does go retrograde starting May 2nd and ends October 11th. Focus on pleasant thoughts and amp up your sense of adventure for the positive changes ahead. In June, Libras can expect the influence of celestial energies to have an impact on their circumstances and thoughts. The prevailing energy of the month will be characterized by a decrease in sensibility, which may require You to rely on your life experiences, particularly in your professional sphere. Changes are on the horizon, and in June, Libras will begin to hear the first alarm bells indicating the need for careful consideration. Be cautious about traveling during this time, as the chaos and confusion of the month may await you on your journeys. You may find it overwhelming to contemplate your personal circumstances. You may feel the need to think out loud and consider various perspectives before making any decisions. Use your unique abilities of diplomacy and accurate communication to your advantage, ensuring that June remains a month of growth and self-discovery. The outdoors will help so get out and talk to a tree. Maybe even hug it! Enjoy Summer!
Scorpio: Pluto: Turning back to home and family.
Pluto arrived in Capricorn and your Solar 3rd house 16 years ago in 2008. Here he activated the probing mechanism of your mind. Any self talk going on? Hopefully you’ve identified the mental baggage. Fears, threats and a lack of confidence have kept you busy doubting your power for far too long. Possibly you are still keeping secrets but exposing them is less of an issue than having to confront them. Well things are getting less cluttered as Pluto is leaving Capricorn for most of 2024. It moved into your 4th house of home and family and a new take on life in Aquarius. Greater household harmony! Think about the priorities you have for managing your life in 2024. What is the biggest freedom you desire? Pluto did go retrograde May 2nd but moves back direct October 11th. He settles into Aquarius and this sign offers different possibilities and an impersonal, easy going attitude in relationships. Take a deep breath and release the old angst. In June you have support of all the Gemini Planets that are in your 8th house of joint assets and income. The New Moon June 8th helps too. You can anticipate a release from financial obligations, provided they resist incurring new debts. It is strongly advised for Scorpios to refrain from investing their own or other people's available funds during this month, however. Mercury, Venus and Jupiter will be benefiting you and have your back. Look for good insight and encouragement from any team members. Jupiter recently entered into Gemini and your 8th house and boosts support for debit reduction. The Capricorn full Moon in your 3rd house on the 21st has you beaming. The Summer solstice too! Home is where it’s at right now. The month of June will bring about a newfound balance fostered by numerous friendships and relationships that grow more open and trusting. Under the influence of these connections, You may develop a program or plan that you will actively begin implementing in the second half of the year. There will be a heightened appreciation for their inner circle as you start realizing the importance of safeguarding the interests and well-being of their loved ones. Also your thirst for knowledge will be awakened in June. Saturn in Pisces turns retrograde on June 29th in your 5th house. Do your best to check details if traveling. Make the most of June and pave the way for personal growth and a sense of accomplishment. What a wonderful place to be and with summer blooming all around you. Enjoy!
Sagittarius: Pluto: Moving into a lighter look on life
Since 2008 Pluto has occupied Capricorn and your 2nd house of assets, income, money you earn and investments. Over this time you may’ve been hanging on to some destructive financial habits that fed either a poverty consciousness or the feeling there is never going to be enough. Or maybe you feel like you can just spend because the money will just show up and you’ll be Able to pay off the debt. Lots of beliefs about money you’ve held tight to yourself. Pluto is and has been here to help wake you up, to build up that savings and retirement. Keep it safe but mostly make sure you no longer carry the baggage related to fear of poverty. This past January 20th Pluto moved out of rigid Capricorn and shifted into humanitarian Aquarius and your 3rd house of mental outlook and negotiations. He did go retrograde May 2nd until October 11th. After that he spends many years in the sign of futuristic searching Aquarius. In June relationships look banner when the Gemini New Moon on the 6th lines up with Jupiter in Gemini in your 7th house of Partnerships. It is likely you will make progress in your professional life, establishing new connections or finalizing business negotiations may encounter delays and could be postponed to the following month. Pleasant memories will alternate with the revisiting of grievances, discussions of old wounds, or even the settling of unresolved issues. You may become emotionally drained, leading you to feel overwhelmed and perhaps desire some solitude. However, in moments of solitude, you will have the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your past connections, reflecting on their own actions and where you may have been wronged or fallen victim to betrayal. Examine your past connections. This will bring clarity to your present circumstances, allowing for personal development and a fresh perspective. Don’t miss getting out and reflecting on the summer beauty too.
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