Lucky stars

Lucky stars
Welcome December! Hope you are excited for a wonderful month and a glimpse of a fun New Year to come. Let see what the Stars have in store for you

February 28, 2024

March Horoscopes

 Capricorn: Saturn:  Focusing on everything close to you.

   Get ready to be busy.  Saturn has some plans for you and your solar 3rd house of communications, Neighbors, Relatives and transportation.  You will have your hands full this year.  Saturn in Pisces is busy Keeping correspondence, delays, interferences on line at a minimum and your focus sharp and attentive.  Transiting Neptune is to blame If some things seeming jumbled.  If you have had a feeling of chaos Saturn will help this year to address all correspondence and legal documents and analyze the next steps to take to stay on top of things and to avoid correcting work over and over again.  All this can be handled by you and Saturn the serious planet. He is there to help.  Don’t let your guard down this year.  Don’t procrastinate.  Capricorns most affected by this transit this year were born December 25th through January 10th.  Jupiter has grand plans for you this year but it will be Saturn that will help you focus on crossing very T and dotting every i.  In March you  may be putting out fires and doing crisis management in the workplace. Roll with the punches and trust your own good judgment, as well as your willingness to course-correct in front of others if your initial approach turns out not to be workable.  Getting out in the Sunshine and watching the new growth sprouting from the Earth.   March 16th is a great day to address any issues at work. Things seem to become clear as well as the path and the best way to handle it.   Be sure to step up to the plate and offer directions. You may add more responsibilities to your shoulders during the second half of this month, when the Sun will change His sign to enter into Pisces, to be associated with debilitated Mercury.  Saturn, on the 17th of March will be helpful to secure your financial bottom line and let you carry on unstoppably. There is a possibility of hearing encouraging news from a close relative, to make you cheerful, when Mercury enters Aries sign, on the 26th of this month.  This month will be about focusing on many issues in career and organizing at home. Avoid muscle strain and maintain safety practices in connection with activities involving arms, hands, and eyes. Take it easy, focus on being productive and enjoy the blossoming Spring.

Aquarius:  Saturn: Getting up and getting going!

   Last year Saturn moved on from your sign and your 1st house of action, assertiveness, decision making, health and individuality.  You may have had many moments of edginess and the feeling of anxiety to get on with plans.  Now Saturn is in your 2nd house of income and spending options.  Saturn is in Pisces as well so you may feel like you are floating and not acting at times.  However, additional responsibility has come your way.  You are focused on production, change, replacing cars and furniture. If you are (and you should be) working on self-development, new knowledge, learning, certificate or career enhancing subjects.  But, beware and cautions especially since Neptune in Pisces ( a planet that likes to gloss over details in favor of a quick fix) is in this same house and can catch you off guard.  A lunar eclipse in September looks good for a windfall. Gotta love that to look forward to.  Saturn’s transit of Pisces most affects Aquarians born between Jan 23rd and February 9th.  This is the best time to create a budget and set spending goals that are realistic and affordable!  In March there are many fixed signs dominating.  The Moon starts the month in Scorpio on  March 1st.  Venus and Mars are in Aquarius and romance dominates. What a lovely month to be close to someone and watch things come to life.  In fact you are a magnet and people are drawn to you. You may feel so excited about life you hardly know what to do with yourself!  Vow to end your association with people who make you feel small. “If something feels lousy, it probably is.”  Time may add more responsibilities on your shoulders during the second half of this month, when the Sun will change His sign to enter into Pisces sign, to be associated with debilitated Mercury.  But Saturn on the 17th of March will be helpful to secure your financial equation and let you carry on unstoppably. There is a possibility of hearing encouraging news from a close relative, to make you cheerful, when Mercury enters Aries sign, on the 26th of this month.  Make March a great beginning  and carry it over to the rest of the year.  Spring has sprung!

Pisces:  Saturn:  This is your year to shine!

    2024 is the 1st Full year that Saturn is in your 1st house of action, assertiveness, health, individuality, innovation and self-image.  This is your year to do lots of work on inner and outer levels, eliminate constraints and develop more freedom in making life choices that reflect your goals.  Whether it is health, physical fitness or happiness Saturn holds individuals to high standards of conduct when picking work or setting goals.  Saturn is the restrictive Planet and he asks you to step up to the plate, look at yourself in the mirror  and face-up.  He also helps you to pull on the reins to curb impulsive actions. (spending)  Chill out, get a routine, yoga, meditation or exercise.  Neptune and a lunar eclipse are both in Pisces and your 1st house this year.  Lots of emotions and complications to sort through.  You may feel overwhelmed at times.  But you are in charge, so don’t fear the change.  However, give yourself time to digest what you are taking on instead of rushing to make changes and becoming over anxious.  In March look forward to interaction with lots of different people.  The focus early is with groups and responsibilities that unite you in work.  The Pisces New Moon is in your 1st house on the 10th.  If single then get out the door.  There could be a love partner out there.  The year’s 1st Lunar eclipse occurs in Libra and your Solar 8th house on March 25th and motivates you to do some financial reviews.  Have you put together that investment plan?  Do you have resources to fall back on?  Keep a cool head on the 20th at work.  Just step back and listen.  In March you are on a roll especially with relationships. You have also been enjoying personal growth and an expansion of your self-esteem. You’re feeling comfortable, secure and a bit adventurous this month! Use March to mock up how you want to present yourself to the world, your image and self-expression. What do you want to BE, and what do you want to project? Use your imagination and just let it rip! You’ll be surprised at what begins to unfold easily and naturally for you. Jupiter is now occupying Aries sign along with exulted Venus, to multiply your magnetic charm, polish your image in society and let you enjoy the best possible results. Mercury is coming out of a weak state of combustion, on the 13th of March, to help you with the excellence of your brain and to strike the right chord at the right moment. Mars will come to your twelfth house of foreign connections on the 15th of March, to increase your confidence visibly and increase your social repute, helping you accordingly to show your leadership quality. Mercury is going to enter into Aries sign on the 26th of March, to offer you an opportunity to soar ahead of others.  Then Venus will be in your sign from the 31st of this month, which blesses you with great popularity, to your surprise. In matters of your physical as well as mental and spiritual health, it is a great time for you to enjoy the perfect scenario.  What a great month for a Pisces!

Aries:  Saturn:  Spending time on reflection.

   Saturn the Planet of Authority arrived in Pisces and your 12th house last year, 2023. It continues in this house this year.  He is joined by Neptune.  The two Planets are very opposite in their outlook.  Saturn wants a strict routine and for you to obey all the rules, while dreamy Neptune advocates for making yourself approachable, cutting loose, playing and utilizing your sensitive, psychic mind.  The 12th house is perfect for reflection, deep thinking and pondering out your next move.  Wrap up loose ends this year and work through some angst, health issues, employment or personal relationship loss.  How about a new dream board?  New goals even if you keep these goals to yourself right now.  Neptune will help you to not overthink issues and give your mind a break from wallowing in the energy of setbacks.  Saturn most affects Aries born between March 27th to April 10th.  In March get ready for some action.  The equinox happens March 19th and the 1st Lunar eclipse of 2024 is on March 25th in Libra and your 7th house of Partners.  Your mental thoughts could feel more restless than normal.  Money sources are looking good so go shopping for those bargains. This month is all about activities surrounding Liberation.  There is also a long journey about to happen or you are plotting it out.  Enjoy this process.   Use this month to work on plans to shore up your finances. Where can you cut back or invest more?  Summer is around the corner, be sure to indulge in some meditation, dreaming and being more in the moment.  Go hug a tree or admire a flower.  Life is special and even more now.  The rising of Saturn on the 17th of March may help you to address on going situations at work, to your relief. Jupiter is occupying your sign, to bless you with support from Lady Luck. You must exercise precaution while interacting with senior members of your family, when Mars will be in the Aquarius sign, during the second half of this month.  Saturn is throwing His aspect on your sign, to bring maturity in your thoughts and allow you to act accordingly.  Mercury will enter your sign, on the 26th of March, to join Jupiter and help you to zero in on plans and thoughts about the future.  Powerful Month.  Don’t kick back and miss it!  Happy Spring!

Taurus:  Saturn:  Focusing on Everyone close to you.

   Saturn is a stern taskmaster.  He continues his cycle that he began March 2023 in Pisces and your solar 11th house of goals, friendships, organization affiliates and work teams.  Saturn makes sure you carry out your responsibilities and commitments and goals you set for yourself, family and improving conditions for humanitarian causes.  Pisces is a bit less intense but still you’ll be reminded if you are lax about ignoring requests for input or things you agreed on.  Saturn is famous for nagging until you act.  You’ll see he is steering you correctly as success manifests.  Saturn is here for 2 1/2 years and your task now is meeting demands even if its something that just fell in your lap.  If born between April 23rd- May 10th you’ll be most affected by this transit.  In March, Pluto in Aquarius joins a lineup of fixed signs, with Venus and Mars in Aquarius and Jupiter and Uranus in your sign.  There is happiness, romantic encounters or offers happening.  From the 1st to 3rd the energy is positive regarding Social events.  Don’t turn down any invites.  Also financially things look rosy.  Talk over strategies for investments with someone you trust.  Venus will enter into the Aquarius sign, in your tenth house of career, on the 7th of this month, to stay there till 31st of March. This transit is going to shower you with blessings in disguise. After the 14th of March, the transit of the Sun into the eleventh house of income, in Pisces, may bring a lot of sunshine for your financial matters. The association of the Sun and Mercury in the house money will be another bonus for you, as it can streamline your financial matters visibly.  The rising of Saturn on the 17th of March is going to bless you.  Stay protected from changes in the Season related to health issues, to keep your fitness status up to par.  Nice Month for the Spring to spring.  Enjoy!


Gemini:  Saturn:  Taking time on important decisions.

   Saturn has been called the Bully or meanie Planet.  He’s all about restrictions or limitations on you.  All this can be frustrating and depressing!  It entered into your solar 10th house last year.  Here, career, achievements, management teams and status quo is dealt with.  Now he is in Pisces which is the most laid back sign and he has and will be challenging you to put a bit of peace or mellowness into your decision making.  Not easy for a rapid ticking Gemini of course. That action oriented attitude is cherished by employees who see you can step up to the plate.  Now you need to be pondering, taking some time on important decisions ..ask others in the know until Saturn ends his 21/2 year transit next year.  This year is all about pondering achievements, accomplishments and career objectives.  New job, starting your own Business.  With your people oriented skills you should be able to work out differences and offer workable solutions.  In March you’ll be focused on increasing financial growth and the value of your assets. Mercury, from the 7th of this month is suggesting you be extra careful about your work.  Stay present. But Venus has your back and will be there in your ninth house of luck, after the 7th of March, to rewrite your financial equation for a better reason.  When the Pisces New moon shows up on the 10th in your 10th house your career will receive maximum attention.  Promotion is out there or new money sources. There is good and healthy Partnership moments this month. Take note of your attitude after the 15th of March, when Mars will change signs and could make you overconfident and arrogant. Embrace them and be you.  Be sincere and even vulnerable.  Saturn will come out of combustion, on the 17th of this month, to bring you sunshine.  The lunar eclipse on the 25th also strengthens personal relationship bonds.  Money, too is the highlight this month.  Make the most of it.

Cancer:   Saturn:  Pull out your calculator and double check everything.  

    Saturn is in Pisces and he finds a somewhat unsettled home in your 9th house.  He is in company with Neptune and the 2nd solar eclipse of the year (Nov. 17th).  Planets in Pisces are usually compatible with your sign, but now Saturn may want to see you stepping up to the plate, be sure to plan well, keep costs down with discounts and less expensive lodging.  Saturn is known to throw out restrictions so be sure to check reservations and departures if planning a long distance trip.  If starting an education program, be aware of rising costs, register early.  Maybe add some skills to your portfolio. Think of Saturn as that Boss that doesn’t take his eyes off you.  No sneaking around where Saturn is concerned.  Cancers most affected by Saturn’s schedule this year are born between June 24th-July 11th.  In March, spring Activities call out to you to get out in the Garden.  Welcome the vernal equinox on March 19th followed by the first Lunar eclipse of 2024 in Libra on March 25th.  With Venus - Mars conjunction in Aquarius and your 8th house of intimacy go buy some flowers for someone special.  If single get out the door, that Someone is waiting. Jupiter is occupying your tenth house of professional career, creating powerful blessings for you and your career growth and prosperity this month.  Exulted Mars is placed in your seventh house, till the 15th of March, to support you in money matters. When Mars  enters into the sign of Aquarius he  joins Saturn, bringing pressure on your nerves. Mars in your eighth house will remain in effect till the 23rd of April so don’t be surprised if you have bouts of discomfort.  However, Venus will join the Sun on the 31st of March, which means luck to you.  You have a lot of support from the universe so enjoy this month and Welcome Spring!

Leo:  Saturn:  Focus on your finances.

     Pisces hosts Saturn this year.  This sign represents quiet reflection, intuitive mental capacity and deep sensitivities.  Saturn is in your 8th house of partnership assets involving joint earnings, savings, Loans, estates and debts.  Saturn puts pressure on you to develop a plan to save more of your earnings, start a retirement fund and economize by using No Credit Cards.  Neptune also transits Pisces in the same house and tempts you to take a chance if you are caught off guard by a sudden offer.  Look hard at a reasonable approach to debt management. Don’t let Neptune lull you into a dreaming scenario that isn’t all the facts. Saturn’s transit this year most affects Leos born between July 26th and August 12th.  For the best results involve your Partner in Strategies that meet your needs and solve problems compatibly.  In March there are several fixed signs that line up and challenge you to get out and join activities.  Venus and Mars in Aquarius may stand in your way.  Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus add tension to the mix. Taurus loves dwelling on the bottom line. And fusing over accounting.  Just be patient.  The Lunar eclipse in Libra on March 25th ignites your solar third house.  Make sure you get out and offer help to your community.  Beginning on the 3rd to the 25th be careful not to communicate the wrong vibes.  Watch your moods and your words.  Lots of hyper sensitive people around you right now. Your sign lord the Sun is placed in your seventh house, with combust Mercury and combust Saturn, from the beginning of this month, and this will give you an upper hand in social matters.  Get out and network and enjoy some great conversations. Your ninth house of luck will be occupied by Jupiter and Mercury, after the 26th of March, to bring you opportunities from distant places or potentially sound proposals, if you are stepping ahead with a passion or business this will support you.  As well,  the transit of Mars through the Aquarius sign, from the 15th of March, is expected to strengthen your chances of success and help you to reach your ambitious goals, without fail. Storm ahead with those ideas. Venus will be helping with the bottom line so be grateful for that.  Happy Spring!

Virgo:  Saturn:  Focus is on Partnerships and commitments.

  This is the first full year with Saturn in Pisces and your 7th house of partners.  What are you excited for this year? What qualities describe your most important relationships? Are your relationships open and agreeable or are you dealing with constraints?  The 7th house is also about advisors, collaborators and consultants, Medical and legal professionals and the Public.  This  transit is in opposition to your Sun and it can open old wounds or create new ones that need attention to ensure the relationship survives.  If your relationship has grown cold or indifferent it could be Saturn that has moved you there with different opinions. He wants you to double check your commitments.   Meditation or critical advise may be necessary.  Both Neptune and a Lunar eclipse (Sept 1st) are in Pisces and your 7th house which adds to complications, but all can be worked out if parties are sincere about resolving differences.  If born between August 25 to September 13th you’ll most relate to this year’s transit.  In March you’ll be drawn to reaching out and donating time to a neighborhood project starting on March 2nd.  On the 10th with the New Moon in Pisces you may be drumming up a new adventure or planning one. The rising of Mercury on the 13th of March is going to show a silver lining in your professional arena. And then the 17th Saturn will help reduce struggles to make things easier for you.  The beginning of Spring shines on you and the world around you.  Take advantage of all this great energy from the Universe for you and get out the door, breathe deep and stay in the moment.  Be Grateful!

Libra:  Saturn:  Focus on work and family.  

     Saturn entered Pisces last year in the Spring.  He’s been in  Pisces and your 6th house of work and family.  Not surprising if there has been more responsibility concerning your work place.  Some Libras may have been pushed to find new employment or you are left a job or careers because you wanted better working conditions and more appreciation.  Neptune is transiting here, too and there may have been many confusing messages.  September 17th a Lunar eclipse will land there in your 6th house and some areas at work that need help will become obvious.  Mostly it’s important right now to have a cohesive workforce that collaborates well together.  You may be just there to help head off difference and motivate the crew to put aside grievances to meet goals and timelines.  If born between September 25th and October 13th you’ll see the most action from this year’s transit.  In March shower yourself with personal attention to remove any lingering winter blues.  Head out often to a spa or walk.  And if you need a trip or timeout early in March is best.  Great communication on the 18th.  Take advantage of it!  Reach out and what you say will help you to shine and emerge as a prominent figure in your area of expertise.  Your luck house lord Mercury will come out of the combust state in Pisces sign, on the 13th of this month, advising you to take benefit of this lucky time. Also on the 17th of this month, the rising of Saturn in the east may bring you better changes to turn your ambitious projects into a great success.  Transit of the Sun through your sixth house, after the 14th of this month, looks good for you to reduce competitive situations and push you ahead towards success.  Planet of intelligence Mercury is coming out of a weak state on the 26th of this month, to show you sunshine. The entrance of Venus into the Pisces sign will help to bring opportunities from distant places and create a prosperous situation.  Take advantage of it and the Spring Sun to shine this month.


Scorpio: Saturn:  Focus on Family, Fun, adventure and learning. 

   Saturn has been transiting Pisces now since May of 2023.  He’s been in your 5th house.  Saturn dominates the concept of responsibility.  You have paid close attention to the status of children’s interests, romantic relationship, your social life, students you teach, vacations and entertainment.  Relationships may be very demanding of your time this year.  You’ll be monitoring areas in need of solid change.  Saturn and Neptune on Sept 17th Lunar eclipse all reside in your 5th house.  So there is a lot of activity there now.  You’ll be closely watching decisions involving your children, where to take on evolving relationships, vacations and checking on returns on investments. If you were born between October 25th and November 9th you’ll feel the most impact from Saturn this year.  In March you’ll want to play it cool when Pluto in early Aquarius aligns with several fixed signs including Venus and Mars in Aquarius and Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus stirs up emotions.  Put your attention on your social life that will be bringing invites from Siblings, neighbors or your Boss.  Expect good information from your job or career.  Things are moving along.  If you have some anxiety or apprehension it will come to the surface on the 25th lunar eclipse (1st one this year).  You’ll want to look at and deal concerning some critical work you’ve had going.  It will all be helped by your sign lord Mars who is exulted in Capricorn sign, till the 15th of this month. However, the association of Mars, Venus and Saturn in the Aquarius sign could increase your comfort level, for your delight. Mars is going to change signs, on the 15th of March, to join Saturn in the fixed sign of Aquarius and increase your intuition. Jupiter is also coming to your rescue, during this month and will balance the situation.  However, you should be careful about family matters as Jupiter is the Ruler of your second house of immediate family. On the 14th of this month, the entry of the Sun into watery sign Pisces, in your fifth house of talents, joining Mercury and can bring tricky situations in front of you to handle with care.  Your thirst for unique knowledge can help you to increase your database and wisdom.  Searching beyond the usual things is happening more frequently with you, let your curiosity wander and dive into new subjects.  Great Spring month to do it too.

Sagittarius: Saturn:  All about Family and home.

In 2024 Saturn the taskmaster continues its transit through Pisces and your 4th house.  Home, Family, Parents and domestic matters and conditions surrounding those that live with you are dealt with here.  So what does this transit deal with this year? Possibly you may recognize that certain family members are stuck in unproductive routines that are holding them back.  Economic strain or illness, seeking steady employment or living independently.  You could offer them reviews, critiques or pay for a seminar.  Neptune is also in Pisces and your 4th house.  So add in an element of hazy thinking and this may obstruct or make it seem that there isn’t a clear path to employment solutions.  Saturn challenges you this year to bring in equilibrium, minimize confusion about priorities, organize schedules, help family.  In March the New Moon rises in Pisces and your 4th house as well (lots going on there).  Monetary talk fills your 7th house of Partners.  Keep an eye on saving and debt.  Set a plan to eliminate any credit cards. Jupiter is presently occupying your fifth house of talents, creating powerful energy and changing the equation of your finances. Venus is associated with exulted Mars, in your second house of money until the 7th of March. More energy boosting your bottom line.  The Sun is shinning on you this month and invites  golden opportunities and lucrative deals to increase your wealth count. Jupiter in your luck house is I’m a great location for you, to protect you from unwanted incidents. You will be able to maintain your helpful image in your known circle. But avoid loans to anyone to stay on the safer side.  Welcome the beginning of Spring, go be grateful and share that great smile with everyone.

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