Lucky stars

Lucky stars
Welcome May!! Hope Spring is popping up everywhere. Lets see how Neptune is directing you this year. For sure listen to it's nudges.

August 30, 2023

September Horoscopes


Capricorn:  Hitting a Calm current  

   It’s been a busy Summer but you can see things calming down into the fall. This is your month to launch into Greatness.  But you need to use your energy and strength in the right areas and only when it is appropriate.  Capricorns love to jump in feet first and rush, kind of like a Bull!  Just slow down a bit! If you are single, September could mark the beginning of a new relationship.  You do have a strong desire for love.   The New Moon in Virgo on the 14th is in your 9th house and this too suggests that you take a short break.  Especially since Mercury, Jupiter and Uranus are in compatible Earth signs and favor enjoyable routines.  Definitely kick back and enjoy the last rays of warmth.  When Virgo goes direct in Leo on the 3rd in your 8th house you can resume your busy life. Good time to shop for those bigger items you’ve had on your list. In fact, financially there is an improvement, especially in the third week of the month.  So, it’s been a while but don’t fret about the future. If work-related events pop up around the 20th be sure to attend, especially if for a humanitarian project.  Networking and making yourself available for Business and Social events pays off.  New employment opportunities could arise.  Jupiter goes retrograde in Taurus on the 4th affecting Social plans over the U.S. Holiday weekend.  Just be aware.  Mercury does turn direct in Virgo on the 15th.  Sign documents then and avoid haggling.  What a great Month, enjoy it.

Aquarius:  Wind is at your back

   The month of September starts out with an amorous feeling.  September 3rd brings a beautiful feeling straight from your heart as Venus in Leo goes direct in your 7th house.  The 9th is upbeat too, and if you’ve been working on a project, you’ll see it come to a successful fruition.  Celebrate with others if it’s been a collaboration. Even though you could be described as stubborn, maybe the word tenacious is better.  When you find something that deserves your devotion you hang on for dear life, that includes people.  However, you may be light years ahead of everyone else.  If you are in the flow and others, aren’t you are just ahead of them.  Keep swimming.   The 13th is perfect to get out into some nature.  Jupiter goes retrograde in Taurus on the 4th so watch for misinterpretations and delays.  Mercury, however, turns direct in Virgo on the 15th.  There could be chaos at work with unfinished assignments.  The Aires Full Moon is in your Solar 3rd house on the 29th.  Be sure to check in with family and loved ones. Cling to what is right this month and sooner or later everyone will see it your way.  It’s just going to take some time.  The advantages might not be immediately obvious and don’t always choose profit over principles.  Slide into those cooler beautiful months with a smile on your face.  You deserve it.

Pisces: You are in the flow

    Step back this month and take a pause.  Several Planets shift directions this month and things need to be thought over carefully.  Anything going on this month should be met with perseverance.  Everything can be dealt with in time.  You know this.  Just work on whatever comes your way.  Luck is on your side and others will come along to help too.  Love is going your way and along with it Fun.  This has to raise your spirits.  Financially, you are set to excel.  There could be new business Ventures or work opportunities with money coming along with it.  Connections will be huge but be cautious when entering agreements with others.  First Venus in Leo goes direct in your 6th house on September 3rd.  Then Jupiter in Taurus turns retrograde in your 3rd house on the 4th all the way through December 30th. Taurus being that grounded Earth sign says it’s best to get your calculator out. Jupiter does favor deals you are setting up such as work contracts, educational pursuits and relationships with family and cousins.  Work on paying down debt starting on the 16th.  You will get addicted to actually having that security knowing that money can then be put into savings.  Maybe spend a little on that cozy sweatshirt for the beautiful Fall ahead.

Aries:  Just follow the Current.

   Lots of movement of Planets this month.  Venus moves direct on September 3rd in Leo and your 5th house of romance.  People may be popping in and out of the blue or contact you unexpectedly.  Harmony looks good all around!  Family members reach out and a warmth is conveyed.  And there is praise coming your way.  The New Moon in Virgo in your 6th house on the 14th shines a light on acquisitions in the form of contracts, grants or upgraded equipment.  If you have medical issues, then the help you need will come your way.  On September 4th, Jupiter goes retrograde for several months in grounded, matter of fact Taurus and your 2nd house.  Hold off on travel if possible, especially a long trip or a complicated project on that date.  Aires do like to feel that they are in control and are only happy when they’re calling the shots.  Go getters.  But make sure that it’s not just the fear of losing control that drives you. if something comes along this month that seems to be out of your control the best way to do that is to let it run its Course.  If you interfere you will feel tied up in knots.  Back off and let this resolve itself.   Mercury turns direct in Virgo on September 15th.  Now you can move ahead on projects.  Get back in gear! AS long as it wants to go in gear!

Taurus:   Steer into the current

September begins with a fun, sociable energy.  Venus goes direct in Leo on the 3rd making your solar 4th house a great place to hang out since it’s all about family and relationships.  Use that energy creatively, too and finish decorating projects around the house.  Jupiter goes retrograde in Taurus on the 4th.  Be cautious of things that look too good to be true.  In fact, this month calls for a certain amount of calculation, it’s a matter of how much or how little, especially when it comes to relationships.  Do you decide to participate in the forming of new relationships or the survival of old ones?  Maybe the lesser will prove to be more.  Be cautious, too of others sincerity.  Besides what is the rush?  Allow time for what’s important and have faith that things that are meant to be in your life will come of their own accord. Mercury turns direct in Virgo on the 15th, and you could see yourself stepping forward on plans you had delayed or an invitation you had ignored.  The full Moon in Aries and in your 12th house on the 29th makes for touchy feelings.  Are you being too sensitive?  Encourage straight forward talk and offer to listen without judgement.  Take this month to relax and be yourself, flashy exteriors fade but safe solid foundations will stand the test of time.


Gemini:  Full sails ahead.

   There is a lot going on in the Universe this month.  Important planetary shifts!  Start the month by studying and getting all the information you need to avoid making impulsive decisions.  Venus in Leo goes direct in your 3rd house on the 3rd.  There is a possibility of creating a lasting friendship this month, but bonds are formed on trust and if you have a sneaky plan to get your own way, forget it!  Your love life looks promising.  If you are in a relationship this month is all about tranquility and stability without conflict.  A very welcome scenario.  If you are single, get ready for an exciting month with new connections and adventurous experiences.   And then Jupiter in Taurus turns retrograde in your solar 12th house on the 4th until December 30th.  All of these retros have you stepping back and reassessing.  Not only in money but also the secret thoughts in your head.  Stay positive in both areas.  Luckily Mercury turns direct on the 15th in Virgo and your 4th house.  Now you can move on to projects involving family.  The 14th is a great day to monitor your money.  Pull out that new budget and see what can be changed. But financially speaking, this month appears positive, while there may still be some instability, you’ll manage to cover your expenses which is big, right?  The Aries Full Moon on the 29th has you butting heads with a group.  Look to change an agreement if possible.   Enjoy this lovely Fall Month, breath and be grateful.

Cancer:  Winds are in your favor

  September is a great time to start something, especially around the 14th New Moon.  It’s in your 3rd house and highlights activities related to schooling, new routines and learning a subject you’ve long wanted to.  Venus goes direct in Leo on the 3rd in your 2nd house and shopping for that higher end something is favored. The outlook for finances appears promising thanks to your steadfast efforts.  If your leisure time is affected don’t worry, fate will step in and deal a blow for freedom.  Tables will be turning in your favor! Great month for renewing relationships with people from the past.  Friends or Professional groups.  Be sure to rub elbows with neighbors too.  A networking opportunity could be waiting as well as avenues to enhance the community amenities.  In the area of romance, things might hit a few bumps, be cautious of lingering tension that may result in frequent disagreements.  It could be money so be sure to have your conversations calm and clear up the air. And if you are single, this is not your month to dive into a serious relationship…don’t rush things.  Just enjoy each other.  Jupiter goes direct in Taurus on the 4th and delays the start of some meetings or a project.  Mercury turns direct as well in Virgo on the 15th so activities will pick up steam especially at work.  The Aries full Moon in your 10th house on the 29th could bring criticism your way, be sure to just let it roll off your shoulders and well…just roll with it!  Put your sensitive feeling behind you.

Leo:  Winds are steady at your back.

   Beautiful things happen when Virgo goes direct.  You feel like you can share your heart with anyone.  On the 3rd this Planet is in your first house which is all about you!  Your attitude on life emanates warmth and benevolent feelings. Yes, go hug every Cat and Dog. There is momentum at work and opportunities to figure out major differences over how to handle sensitive personal matters.  After Jupiter goes retrograde in Taurus on the 4th there could be a challenge that pops up, but you are the person to tackle the resolution and when Mercury goes direct in Virgo on the 15th, you’ll have even more clarity.  Watch for solutions to just drop in. The Full moon is in Aries and your 9th house on the 29th and it also shines a fabulous energy on group endeavors.  Your romantic situation is going to improve significantly.  If you are currently in a relationship, the atmosphere will be beautiful and harmonious.  This is the energy you need.  If single watch for someone who might see your vulnerabilities and be there when you need it the most.  Money is looking fluid and opportunities to enhance your financial situation are out there.  Rethink a vice too, how much could you save?  You are very generous but your gifts to others might threaten your budget.  Just stay tuned.  You know everyone appreciates you, but it can be your time rather than your money.  Go take a walk and gather some flowers and enjoy the things life has to give to you.  You are worth it!

Virgo:  Tide is in your favor

  There are multiple Planetary shifts happening this month.  This is your month to review making important decisions.  This could mean favorable changes in your economic landscape.  Job offers could give you thoughtful choices.  Venus in Leo goes direct in your Solar 12th house of solitude and secrets on September 3rd and then Jupiter in Taurus turns retrograde in your 9th house of long-distance travel on the 4th until December 30th.  So just step back this month and take your time with the moves you are making.  It does help that Mercury is going direct on the 15th in Virgo and your 10th house.  This is good because those ideas and decisions are coming together.  The Virgo New moon on the 14th offers a great opportunity to meet up or contact family.  Reach out!  Jupiter in Taurus and your 9th house is in a favorable aspect to your Virgo Planets and shines a great light on pursuing better relationships with Relatives and refinancing too.  This is a serene and prosperous time with mutual understanding and simplicity in resolving any issues.  If you are single, there will be a strong attraction to someone that will distract you in a nice way.  There could be pleasant surprises in love and money.  The Full Moon on the 29th is to be avoided if signing loans or contracts, wait until October.  But don’t not consider real estate.  Just not on the Full Moon.  Lots to look forward to and a nice Fall breeze to go with it.

Libra:  Keep your back to the wind

   Keep an eye on those Planetary shifts this month.  Many Libras need to be cautious of sudden decisions.  Get all the information. There could be many excuses as to why you aren’t dealing with a current situation, but you aren’t fooling anyone, especially yourself.  Just take caution and consideration with a certain deal that is pending. Venus in Leo goes direct in your Solar 11th house on September 3rd, followed by Jupiter in Taurus turning retrograde the 4th in your 8th house until December 30th.  Mercury turns direct (yeah!) On the 15th so at least some of your decisions can be slowly acted on as the month goes along.  Mercury in your 12th house, which is all about secrets or seclusion may mean those secrets should be kept secret.  But you’ll sleep better after solving a lot of financial problems.  September 4-8 go ahead and be romantic.  September promises happiness and stability and this continues from last month. If you are in a partnership or you are single, there is no cause for concern.  Take off somewhere even if it’s just for a walk down the beach.  The Full Moon in Aries on the 29th could stimulate an argument but it will pass when both sides are heard and thought out.  Finances continue to improve, gradually.  Keep saving!  Nice month for resolving some issues.  

Scorpio:   Let out your sails.

  Planetary stations this month facilitate going forward with goals.  So, line them up and write them down.  Then go!  Venus goes direct on the 3rd giving your solar 18th house financial support for new initiatives.  Then Mercury goes direct on the 15th in Virgo. Good time to move on things you have put off or been contemplating.   If a friend makes a request, act cautiously.  If an opportunity pops up to help in a humanitarian cause, step forward.  You’ll be helping as well as meeting a whole new network of like-minded people who match your passion for going the extra mile.  Expansive Jupiter goes retrograde in Taurus on the 4th.  Be wary of a too-good-to-be true investment.  Step back, research.  The Aries Full Moon in your 6th house on the 29th will be making you hypersensitive, ask Questions!  Scorpios aren’t keen to acting out a role and sticking to the rules.  But right now, maybe that is the road to take.  Play your part though even when you may doubt that part that you play.  Just take the high road right now.   The 2nd Full Moon occurs in Pisces and your Solar 4th house of home on August 30th.  Money looks hopeful as Planets shine on you and your Partner. Use money now for home and Family.  Your desires are supported by the Stars and the celestial influences will guide you away from impulsive decisions.   Uranus in Taurus goes retrograde on the 28th in your 6th house of routines so watch for those problems that may be lurking around every corner.  This is a month to be cautious but also have some fun!  Bring Summer to a glorious end and be excited for those cool Days coming up.  And stay funny, you are the best at that.

Sagittarius:  Going with the flow

   Work dominates your activities this month all while important Planetary stations take place.  Be sure to pace yourself and pay attention.  Venus in Leo goes direct in your Solar 9th house on September 3rd, and this will inspire you to focus on something you are studying.  Set off on a business trip that will turn out well or enjoy a bit of romance.  Jupiter in Taurus turns retrograde in your 6th house of routines on the 4th until December 30th.  Go back and review contracts or investments.  Then Mercury moves direct on the 15th in Virgo and your 10th house.  Now projects can move forward, and planning can happen.  Finances are on a smooth path since you’ve been monitoring expenses and reducing debt.  If you haven’t you will feel motivated now to do it.  On the 29th Full Moon in Aries don’t react or decide on a big decision.  Wait for the next day or week. When you are confronted with a problem you know how to treat it with respect, keep it close and address it regularly.  You know to do your best to overcome the difficulty but if necessary, adapt to the situation and get on with your life.  Just stay aware as you always do.  Love is on a positive upswing and if single then you can expect a lot of attention from the opposite sex.  Financially things look positive…go ahead and indulge a bit.  Invest wisely and then you will relax.  Enjoy this beautiful month.  Dog days of Summer.


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