Lucky stars

Lucky stars
Welcome May!! Hope Spring is popping up everywhere. Lets see how Neptune is directing you this year. For sure listen to it's nudges.

February 1, 2023

February Horoscopes

   Happy February!  Hope your 2023 is looking bright.  Focus on Love!  And then lets see how the Planet Jupiter will shower you with expansive energy and Luck.  To all my Aquarius and February Pisces Family and Friends, Happy Birthday.

Love Kristin                               

February 2023

Capricorn:  Jupiter:  Making stronger bonds.

      Your heart is in your Home to start off the year with big hearted Jupiter in Aries and your 4th house of home, family and house hold conditions.  Look forward to greater harmony at home this year, healthier relationships and stronger bonds.  House hold projects or moves are favorable.  Once Jupiter makes its move into Taurus on May 16th it spends the rest of 2023 in this sign and your 5th house of children, recreation, romance, social life, sports, teaching and vacations.  This is a great year to expand your circle of contacts.  Jupiter will go retrograde Sept 4-Dec 30th.  But still, grab a hold of all this expansive Planet and let it bring you more of what you are focusing on.  Remember too much of a good thing can go against you.   Focus on your positive movements and desires and Love.  February is a good month with all those Planets moving forward and none of them retrograde.  Use this positive month to participate more with personal and Business Partners and their interests and renew ties with Authority figures and bond with family.  Venus is in Pisces through the 20th.  Great time for dates and romance, go for a getaway.  Jupiter and Mars make rapport with work groups so launch into those important projects.  The Pisces new Moon is in a very productive cycle!  So put your head together with teammates then.  The 5th Full Moon would be a good time to check out, watch tempers.  Go for a walk.  This is just a great month to showcase your talents, knowledge and skills with may attract investments, sponsorships and lucrative contracts…maybe pay off some debt too!  Good month for seeking additional sources of income.  Think creative.  And ask for advice.  Work on giving up those vices and focus on strengthening your immune system.  You can do this you Strong Capricorn!

Aquarius:  Jupiter:  Helping your health

   2023 started out with Jupiter in Aries and your 3rd hope.  This has renewed your passion for honest straightforward communications, outreach, some travel…maybe locally, your mental activity, neighbors and siblings.  This has brought about a much-appreciated calming effect and allows you to find workable solutions to any issues left from last year.  Aquarius loves puzzles, fixing problems and cutting mental cobwebs. You are a fan of change and there is change in the wind.  Opportunities will bounce up as Jupiter leaves Aries in May (16th) and a rapid trip through Taurus and your 4th house.  This will highlight family dynamics.  This is a stellar year as Jupiter helps you have greater visibility in your field and agreeable relationships with family member.  In February the full moon on the 20th highlights your 2nd house of income assets.  Cool!  Go buy a lottery ticket.  Avoid purchases right now that could upset your debt reduction plan.  Stay steady on that!  You may feel, at times this month like you need a change in many areas of your life and possibly a bit drained.  Burnt out?  It’s okay to want some solitude and time to recharge.  The first half of the month is excellent for focusing on self-care and reorganizing your Casa.  At least financially you can breathe a breath of relief although some unforeseen expenses could pop in.  

Pisces:   Jupiter:   Focusing on your financial goals

    Jupiter has your back in 2023.  This expansive Planet is in Aries to start the year and in your 2nd house of assets, bonuses, income and employment opportunities.  Your solid financial plan is foremost.  May 16th Jupiter moves into Taurus and your 3rd house and you’ll be cementing things there, education, electric equipment, neighbors and family.  Get yourself out there then.  Network!  Jupiter is going to help you be seen this year and you’ll find yourself in positions to effect private and public sectors.  Maybe your own business is a possibility.  Jupiter moves back into Aries as it retrogrades Sept 4th- Dec 30th.  Back into plotting and planning.  Focus on creating inspiring products using your brilliant mind.  If born between February 19th-March 7th this transit is most powerful for you.  In February the Full Moon in Leo on February 5th is in your third house.  Take this day to catch up on projects and catch up on sleep.  Venus is there for you this month and in your 1st house of YOU!  Love for your Partner is foremost. Money is looking optimistic on the 10th.  Look for a good day to unfold.  The New Moon on the 20th in Pisces is all about gratitude.  Spend some time dwelling on the great things that have come your way. If the month starts out slow for you just go with the flow and don’t waste extra effort on new projects.  Reassess connects with friends and enemies, free yourself from past obligations and debts.  If you are experiencing delays these will gradually be overcome and many around, you are supporting you.  In relationships use compromise.  The end of the month brings energy and vitality and a better chance of seeing creative ideas come to life.  New Business ventures with your Boss or potential partners is looking stellar.  Enjoy this upbeat month. 

Aries:   Jupiter:  The recognition year.

   What Jupiter did for you last year was give you a glimpse for a few months of what 2023 had in store for you.  Jupiter in Aries and in your 1st, house is now unfolding (again) and it will be setting you up for greater visibility and highlight how these goods will be delivered to you.  The recognition you got last year ( even if briefly) will be the emphasis this year.  Most of 2022 Jupiter was in Pisces and gave you opportunities to plot out your plans for this year.  Key players were options for a career change or better work environment.  How about fulfilling your dreams.  This is your lucky year.  Set the tone for desire for a new enterprise securing a raise or improving your health.  Jupiter does retrograde in Taurus September 4th- Dec 30th.  Jupiter is in your 2nd house of money for 7 months and gives you clues for increasing your net worth and your salary…add to savings!  If born between Mar 21- April 7th, you’ll be most affected with Jupiter in Taurus.  In February the motion is forward since there are no Planets retrograde.  Take advantage of this rare absence of chaos and spend time in your career or passion.  Organize!  Jupiter and Mars are buddying up and highlighting quality communication for favorable outcomes.  Lots of room for romance this month especially the 10th and the 22nd.  Avoid conflicts on the 3rd especially at home.  Take the high road on the 5th Full Moon and avoid overspending but on the 8th if the price of something is too good to pass up, jump on it!  Get ready to feel energy and motivation, and let your potential creative shine through your professional endeavors.  Just be sure to watch out for jealous competitors and try to keep a level head when tensions arise.  With a positive attitude and a bit of emotional restraint, you’ll be able to tackle any challenges that come your way and you’ll come out on top!

Taurus:  Jupiter:   Jupiter:  Those dreams are there for you.

   In 2023 Jupiter delivers ambition and passion.  It’s in Aries and your 12th house which has you dwelling on compassion and service to others.  You may be or have been giving your time to charities that have benefitted from your big heart, effort and money.  If you’ve had medical issues healing is in the wind .  While in the 12th house, Jupiter stimulates your creative mind and amplifies your interest in Metaphysics, writing and dreams.  Keep an eye out for all opportunities to network.  All Taurus benefit from this transit, get out that notebook and plan.  May 16th Jupiter moves into Taurus and your optimism will expand.  Keep an eye on your waistline though.  Lots of social events!  It does go retrograde Sept- 4th - Dec 30th.  Jupiter in Taurus is in your 1st house of You.  Cool!  Work on cherished goals, your dreams can come true.  In February the Scorpio Moon on the 12th may usher in challenges between you and a mate.  Watch your temper.  The New Moon on the 19th in Pisces is stellar for professional conversations.  The Leo full Moon on the 5th has you bogged down in family squabbles.  You can steer it into soothing talk with loved ones to lift their spirit and yours too.  Show them your Taurus optimism.  Time to step up and show off your leadership skills this month. You are going to be feeling waves of ambition driving you forward.  Dive into that profession.  But keep a good balance going too.  Time to take some bold steps forward.  Relationships are the blinking light this month, Professional or Personal.  Nurture those connections.  Mid-month could see some challenges but don’t let them get you down.  Take a break and get balanced and you’ll feel more confident.  You can tackle anything right now.  Go for it!

Gemini:   Jupiter:  The path is clearer this year.

   Last year Jupiter occupied your 11th house in Aries for a few months and gave you a glimpse of what he has in store for you this year. He was in demanding the house of career and ambition and there were some taxing months.  But now you’ll have greater visibility as he winds up his time in Aries and then moves on into Taurus in May.  Sept 4- Dec 30 he turns around and goes retro again but you will have plenty of momentum so just some reviewing will happen.  Still this year focus on dreams, goals, wishes, friends, groups, associates and your desire for world changing projects.  This year is a Gemini’s made to order year.  In May When Jupiter moves into Taurus and your private 12th house you’ll be plotting out and laying out plans and designing the best ways to fulfill your dreams.  New enterprises are awaiting you.  Your circle of friends will be widening and maybe Volunteer services. If born between May 23rd and June 7th you’ll see the most action from this transit,  bur for all Gemini this is a lucky year…and you deserve a lucky year.  In February get ready to communicate s the Full moon on the 5th opens up channels.  Be careful of confrontations, though.  Through the 15th your Social life is active and you can expect some of that social interchange between family .  You will be happy about that.  The New Moon in Pisces on the 20th bodes well for salary or money to increase.  Expansive energy this month and beware of it being in the form of over indulgence.  Get ready for some significant changes this month.  Whether in your love life, career or finances you’ll want to shake things up…maybe try something new.  Be sure to take time for introspection and look at new approaches.  Maybe foreign opportunities.  Business and travel could be involved.  Grab ahold of what the Universe is offering up to you,  calm your mind so you can be in the moment and grab those ideas and thoughts.  What a great month!

Cancer:  Jupiter:  Rewards!

   Jupiter is the Planet of prosperity and he starts out 2023 in your 10th house of career, ambition and the status quo.  You have a refined work ethic and this past year your outstanding work performance has led you to greater visibility and much deserved rewards.  Bonuses, promotions and raises.  Jupiter in this house is awesome if you’re looking for a job or anticipating a career change.  May 16th Jupiter moves into Taurus and your 11th house of goals, dreams, wishes, friends, groups and professional associations.  Keep laying out those plans too. Jupiter does turn retro on September 4-Dec 30th.  Look to Jupiter this year to increase your bottom line, salary and savings. If born between June 21-July 9th, you’ll see the most action from this year’s transit in Taurus.  In February you’ll continue enjoying this calmer year with no Planets in retrograde right now.  Jupiter and Mars are on friendly terms and communication is highlighted among groups and friends.  Romance is in the air, too!  From the 10th to 17th get busy.  This will be your most productive cycle.  Lots of projects are moving along great.  The Leo Full Moon on the 5th could see a tug of war and some over spending.  Just a heads up.  This is a good month to turn inward and focus on self-improvement.  Learn, create and get in shape!  If you are single keep an eye out for someone special coming your way…be patient with them.  This is just a great month to take advantage of opportunities to boost your social standing.  And shine as the sweet Cancer you are.  

 Leo:  Your Lucky year!

   As 2023 began Jupiter was in Aries and your 9th house.  Travel, foreign cultures and spirituality have probably been on your mind.  All members of your sign have benefits from this expansive Planets energy. You’ve been seeking refreshing adventures that have lifted your spirit.  Now Jupiter will be moving on May 16th so pack your bags for the next transit.  It will be in Taurus and your 10th house and your career will be shinning.  Pull out those leadership skills and get ready for some decision making and goal setting.  Jupiter will pause turning retrograde back into Aries on Sept 4th - December 30th.  This year will be a breath of fresh air with Jupiter covering your back. Promotions, raises, awards or recognition will line up for you.  If born between July 24th and Aug 9h you’ll have the most action while Jupiter is in Taurus.  Focus on those dreams coming true.  In February be cautious of your words on the 5th Full Moon.  Maybe a movie, a walk-in nature, something to calm your mind.  The Pisces New Moon on the 25th highlights your 8th house of financial matters.  Go over your accounts, maybe there is a refund coming.  There are complications and challenges in your relationships and partnerships this month, though.  Could you find a common ground and understanding with others, it’s not always someone else’s fault.   This month could be an excellent opportunity to lay the foundation for a long-term relationship or creative collaboration.  So, zero in on what is important.  Go over paper work twice if any endeavor involves finances.  Pay attention to your physical heath and don’t neglect symptoms that may arise.  Go for a walk and don’t forget to breath…and smile!

Virgo:  Jupiter:   Moving ahead with a bright outlook

  This is your kind of year with the help of Jupiter.  This lucky Planet has been and will be (through May) in your 8th house of joint funds, debts, assets, investments, births and death.  New beginnings and endings too!  You’ll have come up with a solid financial plan!  May 11th Jupiter moves into Taurus and your 9th house allowing you to make decisions related to long distance moving, job transfers and goals. You have a chance to really standout this year.  September 4th-Dec 30th Jupiter turns retrograde to revisit Aries.  This is a great year to reconnect with in-laws, offices, Publishers and Educators in distant places.  Get that thinking cap on and dream.  Where is your nest egg going to come from?  If born between Aug-24th and Sept 9th, you’ll feel the most energy from Jupiter this year.  The February 5th Full Moon in Leo is in your 12th house.  This House of deep thought and secrets would love you to lay low and stay in bed or in that hammock, recharge!  Venus in Pisces also helps your emotions, even love.  Go be romantic.  The New Moon in Pisces on the 20th brings more inspiration and insight.  It is going to be a busy month and you’ll be focused on your career and education.  Be careful to not take on too much or that tension will arise.  Reach out to others especially Children with knowledge you acquire.  You have a lot to offer.  Don’t be surprised if this month brings on feelings of being drained.  Mid-month signs of financial gain will boost your energy.  Find your favorite Positive Mental Attitude pod cast or music. This is a Month a Virgo will love.

Libra:  Jupiter:  Busy and rewarding year!

   Jupiter continues its journey in Aries as 2023 progresses.  He is in your 7th house which is all about your romantic and Business partners so healthy collaboration and lucrative financial agreements are swirling around.  Jupiter occupies Aries through May and at that point he heads into Taurus and your 8th house.  Lots going on in your career sector.  Maybe consulting is looking appropriate.  Or take a chance on a new adventure.  Jupiter is the planet of expansion and luck so as you plot out this new adventure use the power of positive thinking.  Jupiter does go retrograde from September 4th to December 30th to revisit Aries and give you time to collaborate and regroup.  If born between September 23- October 10th, you’ll benefit the most while Jupiter occupies Taurus.  Dream big all you Libras.  In February this month shines for your personal and Business relationships.  The February 5th Full Moon in Leo in your 11th house and highlights good communications.  Be sure to make plans to discuss differences of opinions in Professional dealings.  Money could be an area of celebrations.  How about a promotion, raise or new money source.   The 1st of the month is perfect for visiting family so go bond with Siblings!  The February 20th New Moon in Pisces and your 5th house rewards you with great vibes with a Partner or close one.  This is your month where hard work and effort may pay off.  But don’t give up on relaxation and fun.  Make sure you make lists and set goals right now.  Stay on track.  The second half of the month calms down. Keep looking out for success, rewards and favorable movement in your financial sector.  And new acquaintances everywhere.  Enjoy this fabulous month.

Scorpio.   Jupiter:  Momentum around everything you are doing.

   Jupiter in Pisces for most of last year in your 5th house added some spice to adventure, vacations and interaction with Children.  Then it moved on into Aries and your 6th house of health, work and daily environment and ushered in recognition.  In 2023 as it remains in Aries you will be experiencing more attention on these areas.  This planet of expansion will shine a ray of hope and momentum on you this year!  You’ll be exploring workload and review goals, improving your health is foremost in this house as well. Changing eating habits, exercise, weight control an getting in plenty of playtime too.  Free your mind of worry, lots of mediation and walks will help.  In May it will enter into Taurus and your 7th house of close personal and professional relationships but it does go retro Sept 4th to Dec 30th.  Look to form lucrative professional partnerships this year.  Scorpios born between October and November 9th see the most action while Jupiter is in Taurus.  In February the 5th Leo Full Moon brings with it some tension.  Some tight spots need to be worked through with Colleague about some creative differences.  Political disputes, too around the 8th.  The 1st of the month is perfect for visiting family and re-connecting with siblings.  The February 20th New Moon in Pisces and your 5th house rewards you with great vibes with a partner or close one.  Maybe there is a feeling of a need of financial changes this month.  You do have a path to make it happen.  Seek resources or career growth.  By months end there will be signs as to your next step.    Enjoy this month, you are on the right path!

Sagittarius:   Jupiter:  Bring on Adventures

  To begin 2023 Jupiter occupies Aries and your 5th house of children, amusements, entrepreneurial ventures, recreation and vacations.  Cool, right up your alley.  You do love a good adventure. Since Jupiter is the Planet of expansion, take advantage of its 2 1/2-year transit here to have fun, chip away at your bucket list and reach out and bond with family.  All Sagittarius will benefit through Jupiter transit of Aries.  On May 16th he moves into Taurus and your 6th house.  This is where you work to accomplish those assignments, improve health, collaborate and organize.  Get to work.  Here you can make the environment around you healthier and more efficient.  Make a job change, network, join clubs and Volunteer.  Jupiter will pause and go retrograde September 4th- Dec 30th.  If born between November 22nd and December 9th, you’ll be most impacted this year.  In February you may be traveling more and it could include important meetings or negotiations.   The 5th Full Moon in Leo occurs in your 9th house.  A few hiccups surprises could occur.  Watch for good financial News at the 1st of the month, though.  Maybe launch into that new project.  The New Moon in Pisces on the 20th focuses on money.  So, Think Big!  If the first of the month started chaotic, by the end it will become clear that everything is happening for a reason, now you can bring some order to your life.  Don’t rush anything though or act impulsively.  This is a productive month, get your ducks in a row! 

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