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Lucky stars
Welcome May!! Hope Spring is popping up everywhere. Lets see how Neptune is directing you this year. For sure listen to it's nudges.

December 1, 2022

December Horoscopes

 December Horoscopes

Capricorn: Huge momentum with the New Year.

 Well, another year down!And it’s been an interesting one to say the least.Neptune in Pisces goes direct on the 3rd.This is going to pave the way for implementing plans that have cast doubt on feasibility since June.But stay cool and keep a low profile while you iron out certain dilemmas.You will have support of Mercury and Venus in Sagittarius and your generous outreach during the Holiday will give help to those less fortunate and they will reap good energy towards you.You will be focused on details (but don’t be too distracted) of upcoming contracts throughout the month. You’ll find yourself walking around with a smile on your face.Of course,you’ve worked and focused on details.The Full Moon in Gemini on the 7th puts a damper on enthusiasm in the work environment.Possibly something needs redoing, still it’s not long lived.2023 is upon us all.Keep your eye on Uranus in Taurus which is and has disrupted your 5th house of children, social life and travel, in other words…FUN!Not that fun hasn’t been there but you’ve learned to enjoy the small things.A walk on the beach, a hummingbird, a smile.You in turn need to keep returning those smiles.Be light if you can.Be in the moment as 2023 begins since Mercury is in retrograde.Definitely slow down.Make the most to shore up those things (self-development) since the year will pick up steam and you’ll realize your self-growth was hugely important to the success awaiting.You are amazing, you Ram, butt ahead.2023 is a new year- A New YOU.


Aquarius:Staying Grateful

 You have the Universe on your side and it’s looking like happy Holidays.Neptune turns direct on the 3rd and this too is a fabulous spell on your vibration.Gather up friends.This is a month to celebrate.Venus and Mercury line up cheerfully in your 11th house in early December.This will add to your outgoing personality and camaraderie with favorite friends.Mercury does go retrograde in Capricorn at the end of the month (29th) so any travel plans you are planning or doing the second half of the month should be gone over 2-3 times.Check the details and don’t be surprised if there are delays.In 2023 it’s time to wrap up Saturn’s restrictions that have been in your sign and your Solar 1st house for 2 1/2 years.Have things been way more serious than your adventurous Aquarius spirit likes?Now Saturn enters Pisces in March, yippee! So, bring on your curious nature.Start out 2023 grateful for changes ahead.Communication is foremost at the beginning of the year and contracts, electronics and communicating with family.Uranus is still their stirring the Pot of chaos but that’s just a common event, it seems you’ve learned to roll with it.January 22nd,it moves on so keep that smile on your face.Stay healthy, watch for more stability this year.That adventurous Rebel is back in action!

Pisces:Compassion surrounds you.

 This is a special month!Your favorite Planet, Neptune goes direct in Pisces on the 3rd in your Solar 1st house.This Planet of charity and compassion surround you with an energy of giving and you’ll be moved to reach out and be even more charitable, of course you always are.Jupiter in your sign occupies your 1st house until the 20th and this Planet reminds you of what to be grateful for, prosperity and good health.Good fortune has smiled on you with steady employment and earnings.Of course,reducing debt and manifesting security is always there.Dec 7th the final Full Moon occurs in your 4th house conjunct retrograde Mars in Gemini.Be aware of Flaring tempers among family members.Mercury goes retrograde in Capricorn on the 29th so as the year winds up, you need to just slow down.Spend time planning out the next year, 2023!Things move ahead or you from the 1st of January!Anything you had put on hold can now be allowed to go ahead!Saturn will finish its 2 1/2-year transit and all the aspects of your 12th house can now conclude.You’ve juggled assignments worked on your resume, possibly worked on your health and mostly worked on you!This will be your year to analyze or keep analyzing confusing or puzzling circumstances and relationships that have affected your life.This is your move ahead year!Make the most of it!

Aries: Love and Fun

 Well lucky you!Your Sun is sitting pretty this month.It’s compatible with Mercury and Venus in Sagittarius as they travel playfully.Things will be upbeat and you could find yourself being playful.As well these Planets get support from compatible Saturn in Aquarius, too.Travel, parties and leisure time will be on your plate this month.The full Moon on the 7th in Gemini could bring a lot of communication messages from Siblings and these could be at the forefront of your mind.Be there for them.Neptune in Pisces goes direct in your 12th house on the 3rd and clears up some fog that’s been hovering over your financial matters.You can move ahead with plans.Hang on to this great energy, The Holidays will be awesome!2023 highlights plans for expressing your unique individuality through your passionate spirit and work.Jupiter in your 1st house has you initiating new or liberating relationships saying Goodbye to facets of your career or important projects that call for closure.Smooth communication will start out the year, better listening and resumption of plans that have been on hold.Uranus in Taurus makes a station to go direct in your second house of income and resources.Now projects will play out and income will follow.This will be a productive-goal oriented year, just as you like it!

Happy New Year!


Taurus:Take a sigh of relief


  Hello December.A lot of reflecting this month!Count your blessings and benefits you reaped this past year.Venus and Mercury will be lining up in your 9th house of long-distance matters-travel.Saturn is transiting your 10th house all year which may have had you stepping up to the challenges of increased responsibility and you may have received much appreciated rewards.Mercury goes retrograde on the 29th so be cautious as the New Year enters.Slow down, check travel plans.Get excited for 2023!You’ve had a taste of Uranus’s wrath or out of the blue tailwind in your sign since 2018.A rollercoaster ride for sure and through your 1st house of YOU. You’ve gotten rid of things, lost things you valued and rethought relationships, many!Some were just outlived.You aren’t keen to start over.Many planets have been retrograding and Uranus heads there too.But as the next year unfolds, you’ll feel the momentum increase and your spirit too.The open road could beacon to you this year, pack your bags.Restrictions fallaway and a project you started last year will see new funding and you’ll recover from financial and emotional hardships.Go inspire people this year, make the world a better place for those in need!Happy New Year!

Gemini: Sharing your spirit

 You are that loved, sparkly, outgoing sign that swirls around everyone leaving Stardust energy.This month you can share your spirit from the very start of the month.Neptune goes direct in Pisces on the 4th and in your Solar 12th house.This physical Planet also represents charity and lifting others up so go find those beautiful groups that could use your help. Share your love and energy.Jupiter lingers in your 10th house until the 20th and then enters Aries and you’ll be reflecting on and grateful for the prosperous (and interesting) year you have had in your career.And maybe prospered Personally in a self-growth way.Maybe it’s just been in the form of momentum, progress and networking.You are further ahead!The year’s only Full Moon in your sign is on December 7th. Conjunct retrograde Mars too.This is a good time to be cautious driving.And on the 29th when Mercury goes retrograde in your 8th house.2023 starts out with Mars turning around and going forward.God news for you since all that erratic energy and delayed starts will slow and end.You can plot out new beginnings and know also that your health will improve.Mercury also goes direct on the 18th so those delays will end and you can schedule meetings, plot out finances and revise your budget.Uranus which is all about chaos will also go direct on the 22nd of January .Look for your outlook on life to be rosier! Saturn also ends its 2 1/2-year tour where it dealt with finances.There is a big gush of relief in store for you.This is your year to broaden your field of expertise with new employment ahead.Go and Smile and have a Great New Year.

Cancer:Hope is sky high

There is a feeling of euphoria in your work environment!Everything looks rosy and your hope is to carry it into the next year!Bonding is good and your mood is too.The Sagittarius Planets stimulating and inspiring creativity and psychic intuition are hanging out in your Solar sixth house which brings forth the celebratory mood.Sigh a big sigh of relief and look forward to a bright new year. Neptune in Pisces goes direct in your Solar 9th house on the 3rd.So plot out those travel plans. Pull up the Google maps!Do it all early in the moth since Mercury goes retrograde on the 29th.Back up your computers, fix the Car.The New Year can start magnificently if you deal with details early.In 2023 lots of Planets move ahead and so do you!Mainly Uranus, the Planet of chaos on the 22nd.Look for smoother waters ahead.Hope is high, wishes, associations and goals.This is where you can look for great results next year.You’ll see yourself continuing to work on blocks that keep you stuck in undesirable patterns.It will be easier when Mercury moves direct at the beginning of the year.This is a grounding year, regroup and plotting out finances and where to go with those.Look to have your higher mind expand. Great year ahead!Have a happy New Year!

Leo:Your spirits are high

 December is all decked out for fun!Venus and Mercury line up in your Solar 5th house in early December so if an outing is about to happen or a mini vacation, then jump on it.Or plot out a great Holiday Party.Gather up those invitations, too.On the 15th if you still have gift buying to do Uranus will assist, find something that will Wow a family member.Saturn transiting your Solar 7th house all year brings a stabilizing energy over relationships with Personal and Business partners.Enjoy! Neptune stations to move direct on the 3rd so money that was held up since late June could be finding its way to you.Hold off on trips or double check details since Mercury is going retrograde on the 29th in Capricorn.Could be a few complications starting the New Year, so go over details early!Things move ahead in 2023. Jupiter’s help gives you a great nudge since it’s in action-oriented Aries and your Solar ninth house of higher Ed, publishing and long-distance travel.Mars turns direct in January and it will help you strengthen networking ties.Mercury moves ahead too and communication is then also improved.Use 2023 to examine on- going patterns in your daily routine to determine which ones could use a makeover to give you energy and a more stimulating life.2023 looks light, productive and busy.Just up your Alley!Happy New Year.

Virgo:Drawing Family to you.

 December ends the year beautifully.Neptune, the Planet associated with Charities and compassion goes direct on the 3rd in Pisces and your Solar 7th house.This will give you a beautiful motivation to give and help as the season approaches.Family will stand out too.Do everything you can to draw them around.Jupiter occupies your 7th house until the 20th.This Planet of expansion and luck shines on that spiritual side.Beautiful reminders are coming your way to move back to center, take those deep breaths and stay in the moment.Goals are met financially which sees you smiling.The years final Full Moon occurs in your solar 10th house of career on Dec 7th conjunct retrograde Mars in Gemini which could trigger frustrations at work.Communications can help a lot.Mercury goes retrograde in Capricorn on the 29th in your 5th house.Be cautious, check computers, get this New Year off smoothly.In 2023 if you’ve been delayed or put off job searches,now you can jump on it.Mars in Gemini sharpens up your communication skills.Jupiter the Planet of good fortune is moving through Aries and your 8th house of joint assets and debts for the first part of the year.This shows promising signs that your finances will get a boost.The Sun is shining bright, stay positive-get excited!2023 will be rocking!Happy New Year

Libra:A smile on your face

 Put a smile on your face because your Libra Sun wants it there since it’s compatible with your Mercury and Venus in Sagittarius.Early December starts off jovial just how you love life.These Planets get support from compatible Saturn in Aquarius too.A vacation may sound perfect right now or at least a getaway.The Full Moon on the 7th may bring phone calls you way from Relatives.Make sure to listen.Some could be health concerns.Neptune in Pisces goes direct in your Solar 6th house on the 3rd and clears up ambiguity over health concerns.Good to see what is really going on .Mercury goes retrograde in Capricorn on the 29th so be prepared for delays.Wind up the year by slowing down!Pull out your list of gratitudes.2023 has lots of Planets moving forward and helping you strengthen so many aspects of your life.Right off Mars moves direct January 12th and helps your plans to resume business and personal travel or start a personal development program.Mercury also on Jan 18th moves ahead and helps you and family members communicate better.Income is helped by Uranus moving ahead January 18th.All this momentum is a breath of fresh air.Jupiter will also bring you luck in love and money.Ring in the New Year with a smile on your face, a light feel in your walk and a glow of hope that others will want to rub up against.Happy New Year!

Scorpio:Things are on the upswing

 No complaints from you at the beginning of the month.Prosperity comes your way when Venus and Mercury line up in your solar 2nd house of income.Great timing too since year end festivities are lining up.Neptune in Pisces moves direct on the 3rd sending a charitable and celebratory energy out!All in your 5th house of fun.You’ll be happy!With Saturn in Aquarius transiting your Solar 4th house all year, you’re ready to do what you can to spruce up that house.Pull out the x mas lights!Mercury goes retrograde on the 29th in Capricorn in your Solar 3rd house.Don’t be shocked if there are delays.Slow down, enjoy the end of the year.Be sure your list of things you are grateful for is at the front of your thoughts, too.2023 will bring some sighs of relief.Mars turns around to go direct in January (12th) putting an end to erratic financial fluctuations .Plans can be made to reduce debt load and find ways to save.Mercury helps with communication as it turns direct.January 18th.Saturn finishes its 2 and half year tour of duty in your 4th house so look to home and family dynamics to improve.As it moves into Pisces in March, you’ll have a vision of peace and an excitement about recreation and romance and interacting with kids.Great vision for this new Year ahead.Smile and Happy New Year

Sagittarius: A wind at your back

 That Holiday Spirit gets off to a great start with mystical Neptune turning direct in Pisces and your Solar 4th house on the 3rd.You will be feeling light, positive and generous.Perfect energy for the upcoming parties and Cheer.Share yourself too!Reach out to family and anyone that needs a pat on the back.Your ruling Planet Jupiter leaves your Solar 4th house on the 20th.You’ll be reminded of how prosperity has been sprinkled on you all year.Gratitude is abundant.Be on the lookout for those people that are angry, especially around the Full Moon in Gemini on Dec 7th.It’s conjunct retrograde Mars in your 7th house so avoid arguments whatever you do!!!Pull out your Sagittarius humor and wit and lighten things up.Be that Clown people love you for.As Mercury goes retrograde on the 29th in your 2nd house be careful of purchase contracts.Double check every detail.2023 has a lot of momentum with many Planets moving direct.Mars in Gemini kicks off the New Year as it ends its retrograde period and in your 7th house on January 12th.You’ll find yourself less impulsive regarding goals that affect personal and business Partnerships. Maybe more patience ushers in. Mercury in Capricorn goes direct on Jan 18th in your 2nd house.All those delays you’ve experienced (money) will now move ahead more smoothly.Mostly Uranus is felt as it ismoving ahead January 22nd and clears a path for you to explore ways to work more efficiently.All this spells a year of smoother sailing.Smile, be happy and grateful.Happy New Year!

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