Lucky stars

Lucky stars
Welcome May!! Hope Spring is popping up everywhere. Lets see how Neptune is directing you this year. For sure listen to it's nudges.

July 25, 2022

August Horoscopes

    August Horoscopes

Capricorn:   Reaching for the stars

   Capricorns are the symbol of the Mountain Goats in Astrology.  Constantly in pursuit of the loftier goal.  You want your skills utilized to the highest level possible and mainly to fulfill your Souls’s purpose.  You are a problem solver and often will be the one to save the day.  You’ll even earn a reputation especially amongst those you work with.  Capricorns often are late bloomers.  You’ll spend your early years in the Work World exploring options and studying the fine points of career paths.  Then you launch into a competitive style and clamor to climb up that ladder of success.  You have a dry humor you use when pressure mounts.  This lightness can serve you and others well but on your other side you are all business most of the time.  You are always looking to improve yourself mentally and physically and at the end of the day you are dependable!  And don’t forget a good friend and Kind!  In August the month is off to a good start and continues the momentum from July.  Your skills and abilities are admired from many contacts.  Financially you are on a strong footing and your professional acumen is appreciated.  If travel or a journey is undertaken right now, they will prove to be fruitful.  A slight uphill momentum shows up around the 8th to 10th even with all your hard efforts.  Keep communicating with close ones and stay positive since the momentum moves positive again after the 11th.  After that your love for nature will draw you to take a break and head outdoors.  Do it!  Some legal matters could be finalized after the 18th to 19th so that fresh air will give you a clear mind.  Focusing will benefit you as work is in full steam at the end of the month.  Expansion-growth!  Uranus moves retrograde on the 24th so resolve any firecracker issues before that.  It’s a great month and you are on a roll baby.

Aquarius:     Marching to your own Drum beat

   You are for sure the most eclectic mix of traits of any sign.  Sometimes you’ll show your conventional and friendly side, (so friendly) and then reveal your eccentric, innovative and creative side.  At times people may not know who you are, except your energy is just contagious.  You do have a serious inner depth as well and you know how to take the high road to Avoid an unnecessary encounter.  You are the keeper of the 11th house, the humanitarian soul, optimistic and gatherer of Groups.  And the Rebel in you can come out when there is a cause you see unjust.  You love current events, so you are fascinating, you are an instigator as well.  Keep shaking it up and have an insight into the directions things should take.  You do love to have fun, too because you are FUN!  In August Mars is occupying your 4th house from the 1st to the 20th and could bring on some tension at home especially the 1st of the month.  Knowing it’s Mars drumming his beat you can be cautious with your words.  Uranus applies pressure too and feelings could erupt.  By the 15th if you can, take a Vacation.  Focus on that! There will be lots of People moving in and out and lots of bonding with relatives.  Don’t pass up a reunion!  Work is churning along great and you’ll get compliments on your performance and understanding of reinventing aspects of your work.  This is a fabulous month for those dating or in a serious relationship.  You are on the same page.  You’ll grow even closer.  Mid-month avoid loaning money or any money transactions, things seem to be stalled or postponed.  The month ends up on an up note, happy, satisfied, Grateful!  Great month, make the most of it!

Pisces:   Following your inner guidance

   Not only do you own a refined 6th sense that seldom guides you wrong but you are also the only mutable water sign in the Zodiac.  As well your sign is highly spiritual.  Two fish swimming in opposite directions means compassion, imagination and a desire to understand differences in others' opinions.  You love solving mysteries and following adventurous paths.  You love metaphysics, too and behind the scene activities, charities, healing, meditation, secrets and windows.  These will lead you down roads of medicine, nursing, writing detective novels, art and helping others and computer fields that keep you learning.  Neptune is your sign but before it was discovered it was Jupiter which still lends you it’s lucky energy.  Let's face it, you are interesting and downright Magical!  In August you can step forward and be acknowledged for your outstanding talent and hard labor.  In fact, just about everything is going your way!  Be cautious of health and your digestive system but all else is smooth sailing!  Finances improve but with a bit of a hic-up after mid-month.  Unexpected.  This could set you back mentally, too.  Be super cautious to not be deceived.  But just like that the tide changes and you are back in charge and your superpowers return.  The family atmosphere reflects your mood as well.  In fact ride this wave the rest of the month because all looks good.  On the 31st watch for a big standing ovation.  You are standing out, go ahead and take a Bow!

Aries:  You love being leader of the Pack.

    You resonate with Mars!  He is the ruler of your sign!  You take leadership and decision making seriously.  Put you in charge and you feel very much at home.  Being action oriented is a trait you’re proud of and you can set a shining example to others.  Your mind matches your rapid walk.  You work well with others especially if they will follow YOU!.  And delegating is right up your alley.  You are an idea person and will seek out the best strategy.  In fact, you’d rather not see the finish line or boredom may set in.  Of course, celebrating success of a job well done is good!  But you share the limelight with others and then on to the next opportunity, the next adventure.  In August the month will be dedicated mostly to family and maintaining harmony and love.  Health is good and despite challenges, business and Profession are too.  The month starts out a bit hectic since things may not turn out as you planned.  A feeling of exhaustion is there too.  A bit of worry?  But you know things can change and by the 4-5th things smooth out.  Ideas pop into your head and it may initiate new ventures.  Networking picks up around the 8-10th.  You are meeting new people that will become close friends.  Watch for some adverse people though around the 13-15th.  All will pass as long as you try not to react.  Spend more time in the arts, music and literature.  Your Soul loves it there.  In fact, love is in the air too.  Finances are improving and the 20-21st a Lucky star is shining on you.  Things move in your direction as Uranus goes retrograde in Taurus on the 24th.  Be sure to stay a bit more a loof.  Take time thinking before reacting.  It’s summer still so go work off any anxieties outdoors.  You’ll feel calmer and healthier.

Taurus:   You are grounded and Fun!

  You like being grounded.  You focus on what you receive, value or seek in life.  And you are reliable, so put you in charge of details and you see the big picture.  In fact, determination is your middle name.  Because of this your occupations can be many diverse things.  Management, real estate, sales and creative expressions.  When you make a promise, you keep it!  Venus is your sign’s ruler and money and love are dealt with similar energy.  Beauty, balance and harmony too.  You are happy doing things with your hands  and careers that allow you to express  your artistic talents.  And you love music!  All in all you are the friend anyone would want.  You are dedicated, kind and aware of other’s needs.  And you love to have fun!  So do it.  In August the month is full steam ahead and perfect for social outings.  Look for those bargains if traveling especially around the 15-20th.  And the new Moon on the 27th looks fabulous for fun with family.  The month shows promises with career and profession too.  Business will grow and employees will be appreciated.  If you are job hunting, you are in charge.  Lots of options.  This month has you motivated, inspired and energetic and your work will reflect it.  And financially you’ll be on firm footing.  If you are taking a risk on a new venture, do it between the 5th and 7th.  You are riding the winning chariot.  After the 7th though use a bit more caution.  Expenses may suddenly increase so be wise with purchases.  You have lots of support, though.  Take a breather the 13th to 14th, seek some solace.  And know it’s the moon’s fault.  Everything picks up steam again as the month wraps up and again, you’ll be reminded of how dear friends and family are. You’ll be smiling as the month ends.  Sweet!

Gemini:   You stand out!

  You are the Star of multitasking.  Not much holds you back and that includes expanding your mind.  Communication is your expertise and whether it is writing, speaking or using body language you rate #1.  Bring on a lively conversation and you are all over it as well as words of wisdom.  Mobile networks and communication technology was invented for you!  Chances are you are a perpetual learner, in and out of school or courses.  In a career you are best at a high-energy organization that needs people with good presentation skills.  You are great at motivating too!  Let's face it, Gemini’s are fun, funny, interesting and never boring!  In August there are job opportunities everywhere or there could be a promotion.  At the 1st of the month new methods to enhance profit margins are popping up. You feel good mentally and physically.  If you are in a joint venture, you’ll be seeing better profits.  Show some caution with decisions around the 6th and 7th or there could be a financial loss.  Stay aware so the small things don’t spin you into lethargy and procrastination.  Your mojo returns big time mid-month and family dynamics are harmonious and supportive.  Any family differences will dissolve with understanding.  Again, around the 24-25th show caution with decisions.  If a legal issue pops up just know it will pass quickly but get advice if needed.  Between the 28-30th the tide is in your favor, make use of it.  You are going to be in a groove with targets hit easily.  Look for money coming your way on the 31st but of course it will get consumed easily.  The summer keeps you optimistic, everything is looking hopeful.  That Gemini energy will inspire you to gather up some friends and have some late Summer fun!

Cancer:  You are the Nurturer

   You are tuned into the Universe.  With that water sign you can pick up on each nuance around you even if you don’t let on.  Do you pick up vibrations as soon as you enter a room?  As if you are a walking radar.  Your one-on-one interaction tells you a lot and you can look in someone’s eyes and know if what they tell you is true or not.  You can be quite psychic as well.  You have a sharp mind and are the archive of trivia and also a winning formula to land in the perfect job.  You love matching wits with anyone that will be up for it.  That Moon being your Ruler, you can be very sensitive too.  Empathy ozzes from you.  You are the nurturer and love people as well as you love helping them.  But throughout life you’ll learn to protect yourself as well.  You keep being you!  You Angel.  August starts out on an upswing.  You have an abundance of energy to practice hobbies, dive into inspirational literature and indulge in music or arts.  Family life and personal life are all going great including finances.  A few challenges arrive to hamper career progress between the 8th-10th and an aliment could set you back so try to stay healthy and keep your mental attitude in check.  Luckily finances stay secure which helps immensely and you can reach out and help others then too.  Between the 17th-19th be cautious of journeys and be very alert.  Uranus moves retrograde into Taurus on the 24th so if there are issues that need dealing with in your work force or business, be sure to try to resolve them earlier in the month.  It’s summer, you are a water sign, go find that water!

Leo:   You are the Can-do sign.

    You are like a Royal Gem.  Your aura is purples and blues.  You sparkle with drama, daring and good vibrations.  The Sun is your sign’s ruler and the 5th house of friends, Social life, exercise and risk taking.  You have the wonderful can-do attitude so you are a great leader.  Creative avenues and recreational activities are right up there in your book.  You love your routine!   As well, others are attracted to you by your exuberance and enthusiasm or you may be the more reserved yet equally powerful Cat that takes in the glory in a more subtle way.  You are such an amazing Parent and Cheerleader.  In August Mars occupies your 10th house from the 1st to the 20th.  Expect work to ramp up.  Uranus also is tense the 1st and 2nd so the month may start out like a firecracker.  Good thing is, money can be flowing your way at the first of the month.  Take a bit of pressure off.  The Aquarius Full Moon has you howling and it may involve a partnership.  Make sure you blame the Moon and then use some breath work to calm down.  Go within to do a bit of self-introspection.  Things look brighter after the 6th or 7th.  Stay tuned into the spiritual, too.  Patience is your weapon.  By the 18-19th you’ll be feeling recognition, money coming and peace.  Worries about a family member could creep in, just be there for them.  Other than a complicated alteration at month’s end you will be able to get out, enjoy this tanning summer.  Go smile at the Sun!

Virgo:   You are driven

   Your Sun sign is in charge of the 6th house of work, daily environments and routines, pets, alternative Medicine, nutrition and efficiency of output.  Mercury rules your mentally driven sign.  Virgo often seeks employment in Communication oriented careers, fact finding, publications, editing and problem-solving or administrative roles. Virgos are very hands on.  Many may be in the healing fields.  You are also detail oriented like Gemini.  Very little escapes your razor-sharp mind.  You are the organizer of the Cosmos.  Big on lists and developing a plan to get your work space in good shape.  Put you in Business management and it will be shipshape.  Put you in Charge!  In August the Moon, on the 1st is in devoted Virgo who trines transiting Mars and Uranus in Taurus. These Planets sextile emotional Venus in Cancer which results in some special favoring loving moments.  This means romance is in the air.  Carve out time for it!  Money is a highlight too.  Make your lists of pros and cons before plunging into anything.  You love being your own Boss.  Uranus in Taurus moves retrograde on August 24th in your solar 9th house until January 22nd 2023.  There could be some discoveries that are made in a relationship that is disturbing or news of illness by someone close could be divulged. Keep an eye out for these. This month is high on resolving disputes so feel encouraged that energy is in your favor.  Be sure to go soak up the Sun’s energy too.  It’s still out the wanting you to enjoy summer .  Go relax!

Libra:  You are the Creative and Loving sign.

   If the Subject is relationships, Libras are front and center.  Not that a zillion other social interests don’t have you juggling your brain and time.  But all this energizes you!  Venus is your ruling Planet, Love Goddess.  Business, professional connections and the Public in general are all things that strongly orient you.  Creativity as well is a strong trait and things you can do with your hands.  Libra is an air sign so talking is right up your alley. Preferably in person or on the phone.  You can be very tech savvy, too.  Thank goodness you live in this day and age.  You are a problem solver so advising and consulting skills, coaching and teaching are right up your alley.  You are FUN and a dear friend too.  In August, double check all your numbers in money matters.  Watch for mistakes especially investments.  But the month starts out with you in a peaceful and stable state.  Money is stable giving you some good footing to move forward.  Also adds to enthusiasm.  Avoid procrastination as the middle of the month approaches and drive with care!  Mid-month there could be adverse effects from Planetary conjugations.  In fact, this could affect professional tasks.  Distract yourself with family and friends to try to lighten up.  And pull out those spiritual and up lifting books.  Mostly just stay alert this month.  Your mood and events take on steam towards the end of the month so keep on keeping on.  That Sun is going to shine bright on you this month!

Scorpio:   Figuring out what makes the World tick.

   Your personality resonates to that of a Detective.  You pick up on every scrap of evidence that helps you to understand what makes others tick.  And others are baffled at how you come to a conclusion that others didn’t see.  And they may say you are psychic and some of you are.  As well there can be an obsessive nature.  Obsessed with People and conditions that interest you.  If others that care about you think they can change you, they are in for a ride.  You are not quick to reverse your position.  You are determined and work relentlessly.  You have a magnetic personality that draws people who are curious about your views and what makes you so intriguing.  It’s all about your adeptness at research, keeping secrets and solving problems.  You are fun too when you let your guard down and just be that lovable water sign.  August starts out with you smiling about your financial picture.  Pressure falls off your shoulders.  The Moon on the 5th is in Scorpio.  It could reveal a struggle for power.  And then the Full Moon on the 11th In Aquarius exacerbates simmering home-based tensions so stay alert and rein in emotions.  But you are mostly going to have a smile on your face in August since every aspect of your life seems successful, whether finances or family.  And projects are moving along and getting accomplished.  Don’t dive into big spending and continue to be conservative but your mood is uplifted for sure.  With worry having been your constant companion you can breathe easy this month.  Do some travel plans, reach out to others, be your best Scorpio cheerleader. Cheer yourself on!

Sagittarius:   You are forever Curious.

   Nothing holds you back from seeking out new experiences.  Anything that will take you to new frontiers.  You’ll love launching into the higher mind, religion, foreign cultures and travel.  Jupiter rules your sign so luck often surrounds you.  And curiosity is always motivating you to ask questions, learning new things and getting new perceptions.  Law and the legal system, Justice and civil rights attract you and could be a career choice, anything to help you use your curious mind.  You are a good communicator and you also have a caring side.  You are there for the less fortunate so you step forward and speak up.  And then there is this amazing entertaining upbeat thing about you, when you are in your good space at least.  Life of the Party, fun, loving, outgoing.  Everyone should be a Sagittarius.  In August dig deep for that up beat energy since you’ll feel like you are spinning your wheels at the beginning of the month.  Some of the pursuits you take will remain worthless and time wasting.  You might be trapped into clashes and confrontations with someone.  Things do improve though and mellow into the 2nd week. Finances consolidate and improve!  If events draw you to a spiritual outlook, be in the moment and just follow this inspiration.  Family becomes the first priority.  Be there for them especially if there are health issues.  If something looks too good to be true, towards the end of the month do a lot of research before jumping on board so you don’t suffer a loss.  And be careful of losing or misplacing something that could bring some regrets.  This is your month to be on guard but be grateful too.  And it’s still summer!  Enjoy!

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