Lucky stars

Lucky stars
Welcome December! Hope you are excited for a wonderful month and a glimpse of a fun New Year to come. Let see what the Stars have in store for you

January 1, 2025

Happy New Year 2025

 Happy Happy New Year and a big welcome to 2025.  I want to wish you all an amazing year and steer you to some Great online Astrologers and Horoscopes that I have turned to often. I am taking a break from my monthly writing and updating of the movement of Planets in everyones signs but will pop in from time to time with something I would like to share.  Check out and sign up with Joni Pantry.  You can subscribe for free and get weekly readings for you signs.  She is great.    For a summary of your year ahead go to Find out what to expect this coming year, 2025.  I will be following both for sure since this is a wild and exciting ride we are in for this year.  Of course maybe we are all used to a lot of changes.  So fun to know what to anticipate though…hope all these changes are for the good for each of you.  I guess its all about perspective. Never forget Gratitude and make "I wonder" your mantra.

 Hugs and love to everyone…go embrace 2025.


December 1, 2024

December Horoscopes

 December Horoscopes

Capricorn: Wrap up the year with Gratitude

  December is a power month with the array of planets present.  Celebrate two New Moons, the first in Sagittarius on Dec 1st and the second in Capricorn on Dec 30th.  There are great events that are possible surrounding travel so keep smiling.  You will find yourself presented with exciting opportunities that arise from your own initiative. This period will hold significant importance for you, but it is important to be prepared for situations where you may face difficulties carrying out your plans due to a lack of strength or resources. However, it is crucial to remember that these challenges can be seen as more interesting than overwhelming, so there is no need to worry excessively. On December 22nd the Moon in Virgo visits your solar ninth house.  The week of the 9th is a great time for a getaway or small adventure close to you.  Get out the door!  The state of your finances makes you smile after the 5th.  Treat yourself to some fun unneeded thing. You deserve it.  Mars in Leo moves into retrograde motion on December 6th cautioning you not to make unplanned with drawls from savings accounts.  Best to keep that back up in order.  Neptune in Pisces stations to move direct on the 7th followed by Mercury turning direct in Sagittarius opposite the Gemini Full Moon on the 15th.  This is your day to avoid travel.  Go do that holiday shopping  you have not done. During this period, it is essential to show special care and consideration for those individuals who have entrusted themselves to you in various ways. Genuine altruism, without veering into fanaticism, will be particularly helpful in maintaining healthy and fulfilling relationships. However, it is vital to strike a balance and avoid crossing certain boundaries. The key is to assess each situation and act accordingly.  Bring 2024 to a beautiful end by finding all that you are grateful for and staying positive with all that can be in 2025.

Aquarius:  Go be the Change

    December’s first New Moon falls in compatible Sagittarius and your solar eleventh house on December 1st providing the perfect day to plot out further those Holiday plans.  By the time the second New Moon this month appears in Capricorn on December 30th you’ll be ready for solid downtime after the whirlwind of parties and shopping. You love a good time though you have to admit.  Just as Mars turns retrograde on December 6th in Leo and your solar seventh house of partnerships and the New Moon arrives in your sign you will want to stick close to home.  Whether it is the weather or just too much partying, staying put will be a good idea.  A Full Moon in Gemini and your solar fifth House of children and creativity rises on Sunday morning December 15th, while Mercury goes direct in Sagittarius and your solar eleventh house of friendships in the mid afternoon.  This will not be your day to be a hermit.  Get out and enjoy.  If a great idea comes your way this month it is important to approach the situation with caution and not hastily jump into any venture just for the sake of being busy. Instead, channel your enthusiasm and energy into being attentive and actively seeking out the right opportunities that align with your goals and aspirations. Strike a balance between being deliberate in your actions and recognizing the urgency of addressing important matters promptly.  When it comes to personal relationships, it is unlikely that the situation will catch you off guard, especially if you have been anticipating some changes. This is an optimal time for you to assert yourself and communicate clearly.  Remember to stay true to yourself and align your actions with your values and aspirations. By doing so, you can navigate this period of time with a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Ultimately, this month looks like a lot of  growth and self-expression. So, embrace the December being very focused and strive for the balance that will lead you to success and contentment. Make next year one of Balance and momentum.  There is a big rainbow waiting for you and you deserve it.  

Pisces: Stay True to yourself

   Can you remember the last time you saw a planetary lineup featuring a Blue Moon?  Well this is the month since Two New moons occur in December.  The first in Sagittarius on December 1st and the second in Capricorn on December 30th.  And lucky you, the Sun, Mercury and the December 1st Sagittarius New moon pass through your solar tenth house of career, with harmonious aspect from Mars in Leo and Pluto in Aquarius.  Bring on some great memories and fun Holiday times.  You will find yourself on the precipice of great opportunities and potential for growth this month. Your sign is  bound to experience a surge of positive energy, particularly in your professional life. This phase could bring forth a plethora of remarkable and unforgettable moments, allowing you to thrive and make significant strides in your chosen career path.
In matters of the heart, embrace sincerity and openness, particularly with those you hold dear and trust. This month offers a promising opportunity to enhance your position within various social circles. Just be yourself and you can leave a lasting impression and establish genuine connections with individuals who can contribute positively to your life journey. It is also essential for you to extend your helping hand to those in need, as this not only showcases your compassionate nature but also opens the doors to unexpected opportunities and blessings.  The year’s final Full Moon occurs in Gemini December 15th just as Mercury in Sagittarius stations to move direct.  Watch for travel alerts and changes.  December 21st is another day to watch for mistakes.  Check receipts.  Don’t overlook the importance of paying attention to detail. The stars do not provide a clear answer about what this significant moment could be, but it is important for you to stay alert and seize each opportunity that presents itself. Care should be taken to avoid becoming consumed by impulsive actions, as this may lead to regrettable mistakes. By staying true to your compassionate and empathetic nature, you can navigate this exciting period with grace and wisdom. As you move into 2025 stay true to yourself, remain open to new experiences, and be attentive to the signs that may shape your future. You can embark on a transformative journey that will leave a lasting impact on your life.  And Happy New Year.

Aries: Wrapping up the year in Gratitude.

  This month features two New Moons, the first in Sagittarius on December 1st and the second in Capricorn on December 30th.  If you have a case of wanderlust…go for it and look for some great discounts. Your sign stands to embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth as well. This month holds the potential for significant transformation, demanding your dedicated attention.  December is all about nurturing family ties as the holiday season brings you closer to your significant other, children and close ones.  Go ahead and toast each other.  Mars stations to move retrograde in Leo on December 6th, while Neptune in Pisces turns direct on the 7th.  Early on the 15th, the Full Moon in Gemini occurs opposite Mercury going direct in Sagittarius.  Avoid travel on that day.  The 11th is a good day to watch your temper.  Blow ups are not needed right now. You should focus on essential tasks, avoid distractions, and choose opportunities that align with your competencies. It is crucial to address weaknesses and either learn from them or seek to eliminate situations that expose these vulnerabilities. December offers you the opportunity to deepen your understanding of yourself and the world around you. Spiritual reflection can lead to profound personal growth and transformation if given the attention they deserve. Stability in professional endeavors provides a solid foundation, allowing you to focus on necessary tasks and further develop your competencies. Within personal relationships, patience and thoughtfulness will be key, allowing conflicts to unfold naturally. By navigating this month with introspection and consideration, you can open yourself up to the potential for great happiness and fulfilling connections.  By embracing the rhythms of this transformative time, you pave the way for happiness and growth, ensuring that their actions are mindful, considerate, and grounded in learning and personal development. What a beautiful way to cap off the year and Step into 2025 with insight and gratitude for what you have and who you are.  Happy New Year.

Taurus:  Resolutions and hopefullness

   This last month of 2024 is full of activity and new beginnings with two New Moons, a full Moon, Neptune in Pisces moving direct on the 7th and Mercury stationing to move direct on December 15th in Sagittarius. There will be change every which way you look.  Your month may start out with you traveling…hopefully it will involve lots of early Holiday festivities.  Mars turns retrograde in Leo on December 6th in your solar fourth house, indicating the presence of unusually high and possibly erratic energy at home base.  Temper outbursts or arguments are possible on the 12th and 21at.  The passionate planet will move direct on February 23, 2025.  You have the potential to achieve significant heights, but it is crucial to exercise caution when pursuing your desires. Not all perceptions about the surrounding world will be objective during this time, so it is important to maintain a grounded perspective. This Mars transit increases the likelihood of delayed travel plans so check all times and dates. In regards to being that helpful person, trust that you will be notified when your skills and contributions are needed, and avoid rushing to places where you believe you will be useful. Instead, focus on what personally resonates with you.  Don’t jump into to situations that could be a detriment to you.  The sphere of personal relationships demands equal caution. In the early days of December, your opponents, if any, may make their presence known in a forceful manner. While Mars' strong position fosters a combative spirit, diplomacy proves to be the most effective approach to resolving conflicts. As the samurai code of Bushido teaches us, the best fight is the one that never occurs. Seek connection, attention, and potential passions confidently, remembering to be diplomatic and respectful in your interactions.  Families are encouraged to enjoy the opportunities afforded by this period, cultivating stronger connections and appreciating the unique moments that arise. With cautious yet assertive engagement, this transformative month can bring fulfillment and growth in various aspects of life.  Make this a special end to 2024 and launch into the new Year with a clean slate and overwhelming excitement.

Gemini:  Following your inner light
   You have probably really been looking forward to the Holiday events to begin.  You’ll be the first to accept party invites.  Keep in mind the Moon this month since  you’ll be treated to two New Moons, the first in Sagittarius on December 1st and the second in Capricorn on December 30th.  Lots of New beginnings are swirling around you or the hint of some to come.  Planets are moving a lot right now.  Neptune in Pisces turns direct on December 7th,  Mercury in Sagittarius stations to move direct on December 15th with the Full Moon in Gemini occurring at the same time.  December 15th is probably a good day to not travel.  Mars moves retrograde in Leo and your solar third house on the 6th, possibly affecting transportation reservations later in the month.  Just a heads up.  You are going to find yourself in fairly favorable positions. From the very beginning, everything will be clear, providing you with a roadmap for improving your situation and achieving your desires. Gotta be grateful for a compass to help. While some rearrangements may take place in your work environment, they are unlikely to affect your productivity directly. You will have the choice to either intervene and initiate changes or allow the situation to unfold while assessing the need for intervention.  In reality, this period may not hold grand promises, but it will undoubtedly bring success in terms of accomplishing current tasks. Your efficiency remains intact, and by tackling each task with confidence, you can overcome any challenges that may arise. The key lies in not hesitating when it comes to asserting your position and proving your capabilities. Trust in your abilities and maintain your focus on delivering top-notch results.  In matters personal, happiness depends on your authentic expression and sincerity. Even if hopes and desires remain unfulfilled, maintaining a genuine attitude will bring many positive moments and enrich your connections.
It is important to listen to your inner voice and follow your intuition. A shift in focus could reveal new paths and opportunities for personal and romantic fulfillment.
With clarity as your guiding light, December holds the potential for progress and fulfillment for Gemini.  What a great way to wrap up the year and start fresh in 2025.

Cancer:  A transformative month.

   Get excited because December is no ordinary month.  We will celebrate two New Moons, the first in Sagittarius on December 1st and the second on December 30th in Capricorn. Double the New beginnings.  You also have the potential to experience great success, particularly in the realm of their work. With focused effort and determination, your can seize opportunities that lie ahead. Those who have their own businesses are advised to evaluate the situation objectively and take measured steps towards progress. Patience plays a vital role, as waiting until others have made their moves can allow you to strategically position themselves for maximum success. Your intuitive guidance will work in their favor now. By paying close attention to your inner feelings, you can make decisions that align with their deepest desires and values. However, it is important not to become complacent, even if success is within reach. Boasting about achievements or becoming overconfident may jeopardize future endeavors. You have the potential to transform difficult situations into valuable learning experiences, gaining wisdom and shaping a brighter future. If you are ready for some pre-holiday fun the week of the 9th is perfect.  Mars in Leo moves into retrograde motion on December 6th.  Then Neptune in Pisces stations to move direct on the 7th followed by Mercury turning direct in Sagittarius opposite the Full Moon in Gemini on the 15th.  This is a good day to avoid travel.  Tempers may flair at work so hold your tongue.  This transformative month sets the stage for your continued personal and professional evolution. Just keep that big beautiful Cancer heart at the forefront as you wrap up 2024.  The future looks bright and your smile will be too.

Leo:   Wrapping up the Year with hope and excitement.
      High activity and new beginnings prevail this month with the two New Moons in Sagittarius on the 1st and Capricorn on the 30th.  A full Moon in Gemini on the 15th, Neptune in Pisces moving direct on the 7th and Mercury stationing to move direct on December 15th in Sagittarius also give momentum to amazing new beginnings.  Children are center stage this month, beginning on December 1st when you can go ahead and plan an outing with them.  You may find yourself with a plethora of tasks. However, the good news is that these tasks are unlikely to require exceptional effort or resources. It is important to note that this stage is not ideal for finalizing projects; instead, focus on development rather than completion. Plan earlier or postpone the final stages of implementation to a more opportune time. Stay dedicated to your main direction and avoid distractions. However, take occasional moments to look around, as fate may serendipitously smile upon you during this period. Opportunities may present themselves unexpectedly, and it is crucial to seize these moments. Remain open and receptive to the possibilities that come your way. If you are single you can anticipate exciting experiences and connections, while those in committed relationships have the potential to achieve deeper levels of happiness. Stay dedicated, remain unwavering, and persist in your endeavors. This vibrant period is a remarkable time to make your mark and embrace the potential for personal and relational fulfillment.  Mars turns retrograde on December 6th in Leo and your solar first house, so it might be wise to stay close to home and away from any erratic energy created by this feisty planet.  Mars won’t go direct until February 23, 2025.  Make the most of this last month of 2024, it will propel you into a bright and rewarding year ahead.  Happy New Year.

Virgo: So much to look forward to.
   This month there are two New Moons.  The first in Sagittarius on December 1st and the second in Capricorn on December 30th.  You will be in the mood for festivities.  Neptune in Pisces goes direct on December 7th and your energy give you a smile.  Mercury in Sagittarius stations to move direct on December 15th as it opposes the Full Moon in Gemini, suggesting you avoid travel on that date.  Mars moves retrograde in Leo and your solar twelfth house on the 6th, reinforcing the advice to revise our itinerary.  As the year slowly draws to a close, a unique, potentially prosperous period for you. However, these impending advantages can only be fully harvested if you navigate through this period with care and prudence. Despite the potential for professional growth, the celestial bodies withhold any further specific guidance for this period, perhaps reminding you to chart your own path and carve out your own future. The Universe assures that the misty path ahead is indeed laden with promising prospects.  You would do well to exhibit discretion on the personal front. It is pertinent to note that this period might not favor certain monumental decisions, such as planning for a child or proposing marriage. Passion, although beautiful and intense, needs to be handled with sensitivity and mature judgment during this phase.In the pursuit of fulfilling ambitions and realizing dreams, you could stumble upon various opportunities. Just a glance into the distance with a keen eye could reveal not just the opportunities themselves but also the resources necessary to make them a reality. The play of elements firmly establishes the mantra: where there’s a will, there's a way.  This last month of 2024 will present challenges and opportunities for you. With a blend of prudence, tact, and humility, this period could be effectively navigated, resulting in a harmony of professional success and personal fulfillment. It's up to you to decide what you value most and choose your path accordingly. Have a wonderful month and a Happy New Year.

Libra:   A bright New Year ahead

  December is a rare month celebrating two New Moons, the first in Sagittarius on December 1st and the second on December 30th in Capricorn.  Satisfy your craving for some pre-holiday R&R by taking a short trip to a favorite beach or other destination after December 15th.  Maybe just in your mind, how about a Christmas movie?  You will find yourself in a favorable position when it comes to your financial difficulties, should they exist. This is a promising time if you are looking to overcome any financial obstacles. Additionally, if you own your own businesses, expanding your ventures could be a viable option worth considering. Seize the opportunities that come your way, as failing to do so might mean missing out on potential success. Regardless of whether you are an entrepreneur or an employee working for someone else, the overall outlook for this period seems positive. It's unlikely that any critical situations will arise, making it a relatively smooth phase for professional pursuits. As well, be proactive and take the necessary steps towards your personal and professional growth. By embracing change and making conscious decisions, you can shape your own destiny during this period. Mars stations to move retrograde in Leo on December 6th, while Neptune in Pisces turns direct on the 7th. The full Moon in Gemini on the 15th occurs opposite Mercury going direct in Sagittarius. All this means it is time to move ahead as well. With this planetary lineup you may wish to curtail travel. However, stay calm on the 11th instead of arguing with a partner over something minor.  For single Libras, the prospects for love and relationships are promising. Displaying a vibrant and positive attitude will attract success and open new doors in this aspect of life. However, it is essential to note that being bright does not equate to being pretentious or extravagant. It's crucial to maintain authenticity and genuineness, as these qualities will be the true keys to attracting meaningful connections.  2024 comes to an end and advises you to embrace the opportunities and possibilities that lie ahead, as fate is currently smiling upon you, dear Libra.  Perfect way to head into the New Year.  Keep that smile on your face.

Scorpio: great momentum and good fortune

    Well Scorpios love a good time and this month is a great way to wind up the year.  With two New Moons, a Full Moon, Neptune moving direct in Pisces and your solar 5th house of children and creativity (on the 7th) and Mercury stations to move direct on December 15th in your solar second house of waned income your head with be spinning with uplifting events and news.  Lots of momentum and lots of good fortune!  You can look forward to successfully conquering any challenges that come your way. While this period of time may not offer permanent solutions to pressing issues in the workplace, it will provide guidance on what actions need to be taken to receive financial rewards not only in the present but also in the future.  Watch for profits to increase with investments around the 14th.  Mars turns retrograde on December 6th in Leo and your solar tenth house of professions.  Some momentum may slow down with work initiatives. But. With all this uplifting energy beware of your tongue on the 12th.  Don’t get caught off guard.  This is a period when good fortune and luck may smile upon you, so it is essential to be receptive and make the most of favorable circumstances.  When it comes to matters of the heart, you can expect a highly positive period. You will have the ability to tackle even the most challenging tasks, and what's more, you can do so together with your partner or alone if you prefer.  It may be wise to approach conflicts or challenges delicately. Sometimes, it is better to refrain from immediately intervening in an issue and allow others to resolve it, or simply let things settle on their own. Rather than creating unnecessary problems, it is advised to embrace the present moment and enjoy life together with your partner. By maintaining a sense of harmony and avoiding undue confrontations, you can strengthen your relationship and create a peaceful and fulfilling environment for both of you.  You are going to be able reflect on this year and know it has moved you towards some amazing changes and better outlook.  2025 is going to be rewarding year.  Get excited and have a fabulous New Year.

Sagittarius:  Lots of momentum and positive paths offered this month.
      Beliefs are a momentum of your spiritual life and an essential part of the holiday season.  You’ll be reminded of how deeply you have internalized customs and traditions after Neptune turns direct on December 7th and inspires you to start a new ritual.  How about focusing on what truly makes others happy and how you can help them achieve it.  This month Two New Moons occur, the first in Sagittarius on December 1st and the second in Capricorn on December 30th.  Watch for a month of new beginnings.  Maybe it is just how you view some things.  December  promises a lot of activity on the work and personal front. It will warrant being present and attentive, especially for those who had anticipated winding down at the end of the year. Your rest and relaxation plans may not materialize, denying you the usual respite associated with the year's end. While this might not be the break you were yearning for, bear in mind that every period of activity also presents opportunities for accomplishment and growth. If you are single you will find success in achieving your romantic objectives. However, it is important to note that along the way, there might be instances where some tasks or situations prove to be burdensome or unresolvable. In such circumstances, the smart strategy would be not to lose heart but to simply chart a new course. Mars stations to move retrograde on the 6th in Leo and your solar ninth house, possibly affecting transportation plans.  Neptune in Pisces turns direct on December 7th, followed by Mercury in Sagittarius on December 15th.  At the same time the Full Moon in Gemini occurs on December 15th suggesting you avoid travel on that date. Also, if you can be adaptable now it will be an advantageous attribute. If you can switch your priorities swiftly and exhibit a high level of flexibility you will be at an advantage. But stay open to new routes and exhibiting flexibility when encountering roadblocks and this will lead to success. Although this month may not offer much leisure, the rewards reaped from professional and personal life endeavors promise to more than compensate.  You are geared up for a wonderful New Year!  Stay positive and grateful!  Happy New Year!